
What did Esav have in mind when he offered to travel alongside Yaakov? Where did he intend that they go?


Rashi, Ramban 1 and Targum Yonasan: He wanted to accompany him on his journey until he arrived at his destination (in Kena'an), and, knowing that Yaakov traveled much more slowly than he, Esav offered to slow down, and travel at Yaakov's pace.


Seforno: He offered to accompany him to Se'ir, which is where he was originally heading (See Bereishis 32:21).


Hadar Zekenim, from a Midrash: Esav asked to divide this world and the world to come. 2 Also refer to 33:13:151:1.


Refer to 33:14:1:1*.


This would imply that Esav wished to renege on their original agreement (i.e. that Esav would receive Olam ha'Zeh, and Yaakov would receive Olam ha'Ba; refer to 33:11:3:3). Esav now proposed that they split both worlds. Yaakov declined the offer. (CS)


What are the ramifications of Esav's statement. "V'Elchah l'Negdecha"?


Chagigah 5b: When R. Yehoshua, the defender of Yisrael (in their disputations with the Romans), was about to die, people expressed concern about who would stand up for them once he was no longer there. Citing this Pasuk, he explained that Yisrael and Rome were on a par with each other, and that if Yisrael's Chochmah was lost, also the Nochrim's will be lost (they will not have anyone to challenge them). 1


Ha'amek Davar: This is like "Ezer k'Negdo" (2:18) - according to his needs, she will help him. Esav wanted Yaakov to come to Sedeh Edom, and there Esav will honor him like the king in his palace can.


Due to 'Ma'aseh Avos Siman l'Banim.' See Torah Temimah, note 8.


What are the implications of the fact that initially, Esav said "Nis'ah v'Nelechah... !", and then Yaakov said, "Ya'avor Na Adoni Lifnei Avdo" (33:14)?


Avodah Zarah 8b: For 26 years, Rome abode by their agreement with Yisrael, based on "Nis'ah v'Nelechah." Subsequently, based on "Ya'avor Na Adoni Lifnei Avdo"(33:14), they subjugated them.


Malbim (to 33:12,13): When an expression of Nesi'ah is followed by Halichah, Nesi'ah means leaving the place, and Halichah is the journey. Esav wanted to leave immediately, and travel constantly. Yaakov said that he cannot do either, due to his children and flock.



Rashi writes: "'Nis'ah' - Just like the terms 'Shema'ah, Selacha' (Daniel 9:19) are equivalent to 'Shema, Selach,' so too is 'Nis'ah' akin to [the command] 'Nesa.'" What does Rashi mean?


Gur Aryeh: Rashi shows other examples where the final 'Hei' is the added letter, leaving three-letter root of our word as Nun-Samech-Ayin. 1


An alternate text of Rashi cites the word "Shim'ah" (Tehilim 102:2); which is even in the same form as "Nis'ah" of our verse, in the imperative. (CS)


Rashi writes: "'Nis'ah' is akin to [the command] 'Nesa' ('Travel!'); the letter 'Nun' is part of the word's root." Why doesn't Rashi interpret the 'Nun' as the prefix for 'we;' meaning, 'Let us travel'?


Mizrachi: If the Nun in "Nis'ah" is for 'we,' that means the Nun of the Shoresh fell out, and it should have left a Dagesh in the Samech in its place. 1


Gur Aryeh: 'Nesi'ah' means displacement to a new location. The term would only apply here to Yaakov, who was moving his place of residence; whereas Esav was merely on a trip. Esav was telling Yaakov, "You travel, and I will accompany you."


As it does in the word "va'Nisa (we travelled)" (Devarim 1:19). Were it to have a Dagesh, it would be in the same form as the Tav in the verse "Nitenah Rosh (let us appoint a leader)" (Bamidbar 14:4). Both those words have a Dagesh, whereas our word "Nis'ah" does not. (CS)

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