Who will show the path to whom?
Rashi (7): You told me that You will show me.
Radak: David will show an individual or Rabim who will accept his rebuke.
Malbim: Hashem will show sinners.
What is the meaning of "Iy'atzah Alecha Eini"?
Rashi: I will wink My eye to hint to you what to do. This is like "Otzeh Einav Lachshov Tahpuchos" (Mishlei 16:30).
Radak: I will counsel you based on what I myself saw with my eye. I sinned and went in a bad path. I understood by myself, regretted and repented to Hashem with all my heart. So you should do!
Malbim: It is good not to wait until Hashem strikes you with the staff of chastising, like a horse or mule that does not know to go on the road until they hit it with a stick (verse 9). It suffices that I wink My eye, so you will understand to go on the straight path.