
What is "Otzeh Einav"?


Rashi: It is an expression of winking, like "I'atzah Alecha Eini" (Tehilim 32:8). Malbim - this is considered Tahpuchos -"Koretz b'Einav;


What is the significance of moving his lips?


R. Yonah, Malbim: It shows that he resolved like his evil intent and decided to do it. Malbim - it is as if he begins the evil with winking the eyes, and concludes with contorting his lips. Evil is so light in his eyes!


Why does it say "Kilah Ra'ah"?


Rashi: This is like "Ki Chalsah Elav ha'Ra'ah" (Esther 7:7). He causes evil to come to the world.


R. Yonah: He does not merely entice him to Chamas. He draws his colleague to employ all his limbs to serve his desire.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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