
To whom do "Al Oyvecha ve'Al Son'echa", respectively, refer?


Ramban (in Vayikra 26:16): It refers to the Romans (Eisav) and the Arabs (Yishma'el), who oppressed us more than all the other nations. 1


Seforno: It refers to those who rise up against Yisrael and those who hate them in their hearts, respectively. 2


Targum Yonasan: It refers to the enemy who oppressed Yisrael in Galus and haters who pursued them 3 and stole from them (or who caused him to stray from the path - Na'ar Yonasan) 4 .


This is one of the Ramban's proofs that the curses in Ki Savo refer to Galus Edom, in which we still find ourselves, whereas those in Bechukosai refer to Galus Bavel. Refer also to Vayikra, 26:16:7:1 & 26:40:2:1.


Seforno: See Yirmiyah, 30:11.


Nosei K'lei Yonasan: With libels. Yayin ha'Tov: When Yisrael were not exiled in the haters' land, only they left their borders to pursue them.


Na'ar Yonasan: Like the G'ra explains the two terms.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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