What are "ha'Netifos"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Anakaya. This is a necklace, like "Anakim l'Gargerosecha" (Mishlei 1:9). They are called Netifos, for they hang on the neck and 'drip' onto the chest. They are like pearls punctured and threaded on a string.
Radak: This is like "Nataf u'Shcheles" (Shemos 30:34; one of the fragrances in the Ketores). It is a Kli in which they put sap, and women hang it from their necks.
What are "Sheros"?
Rashi, Targum Yonasan: They are arm bracelets.
What are "Re'alos"?
Rashi #1: They are kerchiefs that wrap the face, except for the eye, in order that a man will desire to see the cheeks.
Rashi #2: They are nice coats, like it says 'girls of Madai go out Re'ulos' (Shabbos 65a).
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Chanisnesaya. This is like Targum Onkelos of Chamaneichem" (Vayikra 26:30, idols put in the sun, or made in the form of the sun 1 ).
Why is this listed among women's ornamens? Perhaps it was a garment with the form of those idols. (PF)