
Having informed us in 24:36 that Avraham gave Yitzchak all that he owned, why does the Torah repeat it here?


Rashi: It refers to 'Birkas Daitiki' (or B'rachah ve'Daitiki') the ability to bless others. Hashem had said to Avraham, 'The blessings are in your hands, to bless whomever you wish' - and he now bequeathed it to Yitzchak. 1


R. Chaim Palti'el: Before, Avraham gave the permanent rights to the property, but kept the Peiros for himself. Now he gave him also the Peiros.


Avraham, who lived thirty-five years after he sent Eliezer, had surely acquired more property during that time (PF). 2


Sanhedrin 91a: When Alexander the Great convened an international tribunal, the B'nei Yishmael and the B'nei Keturah 3 claimed that they too, were sons of Avraham, and that therefore, Eretz Cana'an belonged to them as well as to Yisrael. Gevihah ben Pesisa (Yisrael's spokesman) citing the current two Pesukim, pointed out that, apart from specific gifts that he gave to the B'nei Keturah, he gave all that he owned - including the whole of Eretz Cana'an - to Yitzchak. 4 Hence the Torah inserts these two Pesukim here.


Refer to 12:2:3:2. Gur Aryeh - Avraham had already given all of his tangible assets to Yitzchak [when Eliezer went to Charan. Refer to 24:10:2:1.


Rashi (in 24:36) says that Avraham had given it to Yitzchak through a document. This does not help to acquire something not yet in the world (Even ha'Ezer 41:1). (PF).


Alias the 'B'nei ha'Pilagshim' mentioned here.


Sanhedrin 91a: To which they had no answer - and fled (left empty handed).


Why did Avraham give everything to Yitzchak? One should not divert inheritance, even from a bad son to a good son (Kesuvos 53a)!


Rosh, Moshav Zekenim (to 24:10) #1: Avraham and Yishmael were converts. A convert does not inherit a convert. Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim add that Avraham already gave everything to Yitzchak (24:36) before Bnei Keturah were born. 1


R. Chaim Palti'el, Moshav Zekenim (to 24:10) #2, Gur Aryeh (to 24:10): Sarah had said (21:10) that Hagar's son will not inherit with Yitzchak, and HaSh-m told Avraham to heed her. Avraham learned from "Ki v'Yitzchak Yikarei Lecha Zara" that only Yitzchak should inherit (Kli Yakar). 2


This does not answer for what he acquired afterwards! Refer to 25:5:1:3 and the note there. (PF)


Gur Aryeh (ibid.): On the contrary, we must explain why it was permitted for Avraham to give any gifts to Bnei Keturah (before sending them away - see 25:6).

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