What are the connotations of "Va'tipol me'al ha'Gamal"? What caused her to do that?
Rashi: Awestricken by Yitzchak's majestic appearance, 1 she inclined from the camel towards the ground. 2
Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra): The Pesukim are inverted, and she slid off the camel, after Eliezer, in reply to her query (in the following Pasuk) told her who 'the man' was.
Ramban #2: She sensed that the man coming towards them was coming to greet them or to invite them to come and stay with him, so she acted modestly in the way of women, and she turned away from him
Seforno: She inclined her head out of respect for Yitzchak.
Rashbam: She was riding like a man (each leg on a different side, out of fear, due to the height of the camel 3 ), not side-saddle, like a woman does - out of modesty - so she moved to a more modest position.
Rashi writes: "She saw Yitzchak - She saw that he was majestic, and she was astonished." Why was Rivkah afraid?
Gur Aryeh: Because of his appearance, she thought that he was an officer or official.