What as the significance of the party mentioned in the Pasuk?
Rashi, Rashbam, Targum Onkelus and Targum Yonasan: It was a weaning party that takes place when the baby turns two when the baby stops feeding from his mother's breasts.
Da'as Zekenim: It refers to the Se'udas Bris on the eighth day. 1
The word "Higamel" is the acronym of 'Hag Mal' - he was circumcised on day Hei Gimel (i.e. day eight).
Rashi writes: "'And he was weaned' - after 24 months." How is this derived?
Mizrachi: This is the Halachah regarding the usual term of nursing (Kesuvos 60a).
Gur Aryeh: The word "va'Yigamal is in the passive; he was weaned because he no longer needed to nurse. This occurs at 24 months.
Rashi writes: "'A great feast' - The greats of the generation were in attendance." Why not explain simply as referring to the size of the feast?