
Why does the Torah use the double Lashon "Ki Hacharem Tacharimem"?


Yerushalmi Avodah Zarah, 4:6: To teach us that, during the conquest of Cana'an 1 , they must be destroyed even if they negate their gods during the war.


See Torah Temimah, note 52.


What is "Ka'asher Tzivcha Hashem" coming to include?


Rashi: It includes the Girgashi. 1


Sifsei Chachamim: Who fled of their own accord - refer to Sh'mos, 33:2:2:1 - and whom the Torah does not mention explicitly because they fled and were not subject to "Hacharem Tacharimem", but who are neverthelesss included in the Mitzvah of "Lo Sechayeh Kol Neshamah".

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