
Are Hashem's Chukim not good?!


Rashi: I handed them over to their Yetzer, so they will stumble in their sin. Also Yonason translates so. Refer to 20:26:1:1.


Radak: Since they despised My Chukim, I handed them over to their enemies, whether put on them Chukim that are not good for them - unlike My Chukim, which were good for them, if they would go in them. The Goyim's Chukim are annual taxes and other labors.


Malbim: Since they despise My Chukim, they thought that they are not good.


What are "Mishpatim Lo Yichyu Bahem"?


Radak: Their enemies put laws and decrees on them in which they will die, and not live. Had they done My Mishpatim, they would live in them - "Asher Ya'aseh Osam ha'Adam va'Chai Bahem" (Vayikra 18:5).


Malbim: They say that they cannot live civil life with My Mishpatim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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