
What is the meaning of "La'alos AL Mizbechi"?


Radak: This is in place of Leha'alos (ha'Olah), to bring Olos on My Mizbe'ach. Malbim - We find like this - "Lanchosam ha'Derech" (Shemos 13:21).


In what was did He give to them "Kol Ishei Bnei Yisrael"?


Malbim: Since they are the Sheluchim to offer the Korbanos, I gave them wages from the Korbanos, but only what is proper for the fire, e.g. the meat of Chatas and Asham. Kohanim eat them, and it is as if the fire consumed them - "Chelkam Nasati Osah me'Ishai" (Vayikra 7:35). I did not give to them from Shelamim the owner's portion. To take with the fork is extortion!


Why did he discuss choosing the Kohanim?


Malbim (29): The honor of the Kohanim is only because they offer Korbanos to Hashem. How can you put your honor above that of the Korbanos, via taking meat before offering them?!

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