
Who was Re'uel?


Rashi #1 (to Shemos 18:1), Ramban, Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: Re'uel was Yisro's father. 1


Rashi #2 (to Shemos 18:1): Yisro had seven names - Re'uel, Yeser, Yisro, Chovav, Chever, Keini and Putiel.


Rashi (to Shemos 18:1), Ramban: The Torah nevertheless writes here that "they came to Re'uel their father" (even though he was really their grandfather), because it is common to refer to one's grandfather as father. See for example Bereishis 29:5 and Bereishis 32:10. Also refer to 2:18:2:1. See also Rashbam.


According to one opinion (see 2:18:1:2), Yisro was called Re'uel, because he became a friend (Rei'a) to Hashem (Shemos Rabah). What is the significance of this name?


Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 20, p. 91): The standard convert becomes subsumed into Klal Yisrael. In Yisro's case, however, the marriage of Moshe Rabeinu (and by extension, the future of Yisrael as a whole) depended upon his successful conversion! Yisro therefore maintained his own unique identity. He is called 'Rei'a La'Kel,' like two friends (so to speak).


Yisro had seven names (Rashi to Shemos 18:1); he was called "Re'uel" because he became a friend (Rei'a) to Hashem (Shemos Rabah). Why does the Torah use this specific name here, just as Moshe came to his home?


Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 20, p. 91): Moshe's arrival signaled the beginning of Yisro's attachment to Hashem.


According to another opinion (see 2:18:1:1), Re'uel was Yisro's father. If so, why did Yisro's daughters go to their grandfather, and not to their father?


Ramban: Because their father was busy with the affairs of priesthood. 1


But see 2:17:1:1 and 2:18:1:2.

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