
What is "l'Yad Avi"?


Rashi: It is near my father.


Radak #1: It is the place of my father, where he always goes.


Radak #2: It is literally [by his hand], like "Asher la'Melech Nish'an Al Yado" (Melachim 2 7:2).


Radak: Yonason translates 'I will rise to accompany my father [in the field].'


Why did he tell David to be in the field?


Radak: Sha'ul used to go to that field, therefore he told David to hide there, so David would hear what Yonason says about David. He said "I will tell you", in case you do not hear what he answers me.


Malbim: If David needs, he will be able to flee immediately.


What is the meaning of "Adaber Becha"?


Malbim: Dibur followed by the prefix Beis always refers to speaking bad about the person, e.g. "va'Tdaber Miryam [v'Aharon] b'Moshe", "Dibarnu ba'Shem va'Vach" (Bamidbar 12:1, 21:7). 1 I will speak bad about you, and see if father agrees.


It says "ba'Chalom Adaber Bo", "Peh El Peh Adaber Bo" (Bamidbar 12:6, 8), "Efrayim Im Yeled Sha'ashu'im Ki Midei Dabri Bo" (Yirmeyah 31:19), "Nichbados Medubar Bach" (Tehilim 87:3), "v'Dibarta Bam" (Devarim 6:7)! Perhaps Malbim's rule is only when speaking about a person, but not when speaking to a person, or about a Shevet or other matter. This requires investigation. (PF)

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