
Why did he offer his daughter and the Pilegesh, in place of the guest?


Malbim: Also raping them is an abomination, but a girl's shame is less than a man's shame.


Why does it say "Osam... Lahem" (masculine), and not 'Osan... Lahen'?


Chomas Anach: If your lust was aroused for what you requested, fulfill it on them 1 , and not on my [male] guest.


And consider it as if it they are the man. (PF)


They requested only one. Why did he offer two?


He thought that since they requested specifically the man, they would not be satisfied with one female. (PF)


He knew that they respected him, and would not take his daughter (refer to 19:22:3:2****). He hoped that after seeing that they can overcome their lust for a virgin, they would realize that all the more so they can overcome their lust for a Be'ulah (the Pilegesh)! (PF)

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