
What was the point of reminding them of what they had seen?


Rashi: Hashem was pointing out to them that His connection with them was not indirect, 1 because it was with their own eyes that they had witnessed what Hashem had done to the Egyptians, how their sins had accumulated already before they started up with Yisrael, yet Hashem had only punished them on account of what they did to them (Yisrael).


Seforno: He was highlighting His Midah of compassion - since Yisrael had seen firsthand how He pleaded with the Egyptians over and over again to repent, before punishing them. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: If Yisro, who only heard about the miracles in Egypt, came to accept the Torah, Yisrael who witnessed them firsthand, how much more so! 3


Via second hand accounts or via witnesses who had seen Hashem at work (Rashi).


To teach them that He does not want "the dead' to die", and it was only after they stubbornly refused to do Teshuvah that He found it necessary to increase His wonders against them and to destroy them (Seforno).


Oznayim la'Torah: Based on the principle that 'Seeing is more powerful than hearing'.


What is "Va'esa eschem" al Kanfei Nesharim" referring to?


Rashi #1: It is referring to the morning of the fifteenth of Nisan when they left Egypt, when Hashem gathered Yisrael, who were scattered all over the land of Goshen, to Ra'amses before leaving Egypt.


Rashi #2 (in 12:37): It is referring to the morning of the fifteenth of Nisan when Hashem transported Yisrael from Ra'amses to Succos, a distance of a hundred and twenty Mil, in no time at all. 1


Targum Yonasan: It is referring to the night of the fifteenth of Nisan in Egypt (when Yisrael were forbidden to leave their houses, and) when Hashem transported them to the location of the Beis-ha'Mikdash to bring the Korban Pesach. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: It is referring to the high spiritual level that they attained in an incredibly short time, when, on Erev Pesach, they took a lamb and relinquished the Avodah Zarah that they had previously worshipped in Egypt, and, when seven short days later, they not only "believed in Hashem and in Moshe His servant", but they attained a level of prophecy and Hashra'as ha'Shechinah higher than that of Yechezkel ha'Navi. 3


See Sifsei Chachamim. Rashi does not know where Sukos was. Targum Yonasan (12:37) explains that the place was called Sukos because that is where they were joined by the (seven) Ananei Kavod (See Targum Yonasan).


See Peirush Yonasan and Na'ar Yonasan.


As is hinted in the words "Va'avi eschem Eilei". See Oznayim la'Torah who elaborates at length.


What is the significance of 'the eagles' wings' mentioned here?


Rashi: Because, unlike other birds, who, afraid of the eagle who soars above them, hold their young between their legs - thereby leaving them at the mercy of archers who shoot at them from the ground, eagles carry their young safely on their backs - so that, should the archers shoot at them, the arrows will piece them and not their children. Much in the same way, on the night of Keri'as Yam-Suf, Egyptians fired arrows and slingshots at them, and the Pillar of Cloud containing the Shechinah (Kevayachol), moved in between the two camps and absorbed the projectiles, lest they hit Yisrael.


Seforno: Just as eagles fly high in the air along a route that no other birds venture, so too, did Hashem take Yisrael out into the desert, along a route that no other man would venture, in order to separate them from the abominations of Egypt and their practices, to become His nation.


Targum Yonasan: Refer to 19:4:2:3.


What did Hashem mean when He said "va'Avi eschem Eilai"?


Rashi and Rashbam: 'And I brought you to worship Me (to be for you a G-d - Rashbam)'.


Ramban and Targum Yonasan: 'And I brought you (to Ra'amses and from Ra'amses - Targum Yonasan) to Har Sinai 1 to receive the Torah'.


Seforno: 'And I brought you to the mountain of Hashem which has been designated for prophecy'.


Moshav Zekenim: It is an expression of marital relations. Hashem was Mekadesh Yisrael through all three ways 2 via which man betroths his wife - 1. 'Kesef' - the booty of Egypt); 2. 'Sh'tar' - the Torah 3 and 3. 'Bi'ah' 4 .


Ramban Where the Shechinah was currently located - Hence the word "Eilai".


It says "v'Arastich Li" (I was Mekadesh you to Me) three times in Hoshe'a 2:21-22. (PF)


Presumably, this refers to the Luchos, which are called 'Eidus', and which were written with His finger (below, 31:8); this is like a signed document. Refer to Bereishis 48:9:151:1. The Torah was not written yet, and it was not in Hashem's handwriting. Elsewhere, the Luchos are compared to the Kesuvah. Refer to 34:1:3:1* & 19:1:151:1** (PF).


Moshav Zekenim: As the Pasuk writes in Yechezkel 16:8 "Va'efrosh Kenafi Alayich ... [Vatih'yi Li]" and in Hoshe'a, 2:21 "Ve'erastich Li Le'olam ... ". Gur Aryeh (17, DH uv'Midrash): A Midrash says that Hashem forced Yisrael to accept the Torah, so the law of a rapist would apply, and He can never divorce them. Even though He did not sin, since the Chibur was totally due to Him, without the recipient's Da'as, it is permanent.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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