What is "Mishkav"?
Rashi: It is Matza'os (mattresses).
Radak #1: Mishkav is a Kli used to pour water on the hands. Mishkav is an expression of pouring - "va'Ta'al Shichvas ha'Tal" (Shemos 16:14), "v'Nivlei Shamayim Mi Yashkiv" (Iyov 38:37).
Radak #2: It is beds.
Targum Yonasan: Machbin. Radak - these are sheets. He similarly translated "veha'Redidim" (Yeshayah 3:23) as u'Chveinasa.
What are "Sapos"?
Rashi: They are Kelim that people use - "Sapos Kesef" (Melachim II 12:14).
Radak: They are like "Mizrakim" (Zecharyah 14:20, i.e. buckets) and "ha'Dam Asher ba'Saf" (Shemos 12:22).
Targum Yonasan: V'Kolin. Radak - he similarly translated ha'Sipim in Yirmeyah (52:19) as Kulaya, and Targum Onkelos of "v'Chadah Al Shichmah" (Bereishis 24:15) is v'Kulsah (jug).
What is "Kali"?
Rashi: It is kinds of dried grain. Barzilai sent two types of Shesisa (a cooked dish made with flour of dried grain) to David - one of wheat and one of lentils. Kemach v'Kali were of grain, and Ful va'Adashim v'Kali were from legumes. They are dried in the oven when they are moist, and then they are always sweet.
Why did no one come to help David until now?
Malbim (27): After Avshalom raped his father's Pilagshim, and David fled Eretz Yisrael, he received his punishment, and now [his salvation] shined like the morning sun.