
Did she live at the entrance to the city?


Malbim: The verses imply unlike this. Rather, Hashem caused her to go there to gather wood, so Eliyahu would encounter her immediately.


Who was the widow?


Radak (9, citing Pirkei d'R. Eliezer 33): She was the mother of Yonah ha'Navi.


Why did he ask her for a little water?


Rashi: He did not know which widow Hashem intended for. He learned from Eliezer Eved Avraham (Bereishis 24:14), and said 'the one who will give to me to drink, should be the one who will feed me.'


Malbim: He understood that she is the one whom Hashem commanded. He asked to find out what she lacks 1 , i.e. water or food.


Malbim implies that Eliyahu knew from the beginning that a miracle will occur, unlike Radak (refer to 17:9:4:2). (PF)

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