Why did Dasan and Aviram add "Ki Sistarer aleinu Gam Histarer"?
Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra): They meant that Moshe had dominated them in many different ways or that Aharon had dominated them as well. 1
Ramban #2: They meant 'Is the major evil that you did to us, to let us die in the desert not sufficient, that you now even 2 want to dictate to us in this minor way, to make us appear before you - To be sure, your intention is to dominate and govern us!'
Rashbam: Placing "Gam" at the beginning of the phrase, 3 it reads "Ki Gam Sistarer aleinu Histarer".
Did Moshe take them from a land of milk and honey?
Targum Yonasan and R. Bachye: Egypt produced milk and honey. 1
Shelal David citing the Pesikta: Because Dasan and Aviram became rich in Egypt, 2 they called it "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash."
Panim Yafos: They had been on the border of Eretz Yisrael, and now they were heading away from it 3
It is possible however, that this was what Dasan and Aviram claimed, but that it was not true - just as they lied when they clsimed "Ki Sistarer aleinu Gam Histarer"..
"Derech Yam Suf" ? Sh'lach-L'cha, 14:25. They suspected that Moshe was concerned lest his authority cease when they enter Eretz Yisrael, and therefore he consented to send the Meraglim, and did not Daven to annul the decree!