
What is the significance of washing her in water?


Rashi, citing Targum Yonasan: I will redeem you from the Egyptian bondage and remove the strong authority over you, and I will take you to freedom.


Radak: "Lech El ha'Am v'El v'Kidashtam ha'Yom u'Machar v'Chibesu Simlosam" (Shemos 19:10). This is like one who goes from slavery to freedom ? he bathes and changes his clothes. Also, this was to purify themselves from the Tum'ah that they left; they dwelled amidst a Tamei nation.


Malbim: This corresponds to "uv'Mayim Lo Ruchatzt" ? I will wash you and rinse off your blood.


What is the significance of rinsing off the blood?


Radak: It is the filth of the slavery.


Malbim: Refer to 16:9:1:3.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Hashem removed the false mindsets from them via washing in the water of Yam Suf ? "va'Ya'aminu ba'Shem" (Shemos 14:31).


What is the meaning of "va'Asuchech"?


Rashi: I will anoint you. Radak ? this is to soften the skin 1 , which became hard through work in mortar and bricks. This is a Mashal for their rest and their needs being supplied in the Midbar ? "va'Yis'adenu b'Tuvecha ha'Gadol" (Nechemyah 9:25). This is like "va'Albishech Rikmah" (refer to 16:10:1:1).


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): After [bathing them in Yam Suf], He anointed them with Shemen Mishchas Kodesh ? "Sham Sam Lo Chok u'Mishpat" (Shemos 15:25).


Malbim: This corresponds to "v'Hamle'ach Lo Humlachat" (4). (That hardens the skin ? anointing softens it! ? PF)

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