
What is "Umlelah Yoledes ha'Shiv'ah"?


Rashi (citing Gitin 88a): Shomron and her congregation of 10 tribes, seven families of evil kings came from them; it was already impoverished and exiled. The families are of Yaravam ben Nevat, Basha, Amri, Yehu, Menachem, Pekach and Hoshe'a [ben Elah].


Rashi (citing Tanchuma Vayetzei 14): This refers to Yerushalayim. Seven Resha'im [were king over it] - Yehoram, Yeho'ash, Achaz, Menasheh, Amon, Yehoyakim and Tzidkiyah. One could list also Rechav'am, Aviyah, Amatziyah and Achazyah.


Radak: She gives birth to many children. This is Keneses Yisrael. "Shiv'ah" is increase; it is not an exact calculation. The same applies to "Ad Akarah Yaldah Shiv'ah" (Shmuel I, 2:5), "Sheva Yipol Tzadik v'Kam" (Mishlei 24:16), "Sheva k'Chatoseichem 1 " (Vayikra 26:21).


Malbim: The widow, who gave birth to seven children.


The next verse lists only five punishments. However, Rashi (26:22) explains that "Chayas ha'Sadeh" includes three, so there are seven. (PF)


What is "She'erisam"?


Rashi: They are Yehudah and part of Binyamin, which remained in Yisrael, to destroy them.


Radak: It is their children. This is like "Shem u'Sh'ar" (Yeshayah 14:22).


Malbim: It is the widow's children. The enemy will kill them via the sword. The widow is a metaphor for Yerushalayim. After most Bnei Yehudah died via the sword, a young plunderer, i.e. Nebuchadnetzar and his army, revealed her Ervah and ravaged her. He destroyed the Beis ha'Mikdash and revealed the protective screen of Yehudah and destroyed the city, and via this was impoverished the mother of seven, i.e. Yerushalayim, which established seven kings from the exile of Melech Ashur until the exile of Nebuchadnetzar; the rest were give to the sword in the lands of their captors.


What is the meaning of "Nafchah Nafshah"?


Rashi: Its soul mourned. The Targum of "v'Da'avon Nefesh" (Devarim 28:65) is 'u'Mafchan Nefesh.' Radak - it says "Mapach Nafesh" (Iyov 11:20).


Malbim: [The widow who was Mezanah with the youth, she died.


Why is it written Ba'ah, and we pronounce it Ba?


Radak: We find that "Shemesh" can be masculine or feminine.


What is "b'Od Yom"?


Rashi: They fell quickly, before their time.


Radak: This is a metaphor for the many afflictions. We similarly find "Chashach ha'Shemesh b'Tzeiso" (Yeshayah 13:10).


Malbim: The same day that she was Mezanah with the youth, [she died].


What is "v'Chafrah"?


Rashi: It is an expression of shame. Radak - this is a repetition of "Bushah" with a different expression. Malbim - the shame is because her Ervah was revealed.

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