
Why did Sha'ul say "Navozah"?


Malbim: He thought that Pelishtim are totally defeated, and all that remains is to despoil them and strike the remnant.


What is the meaning of approaching Hashem?


Targum Yonasan: It is to ask His word (Radak - from the Urim v'Tumim).


Whose idea was it to ask the Urim v'Tumim?


Ramban (Vayikra 19:26): People were displeased that Sha'ul would not do anything without asking from the Urim v'Tumim 1 . (This implies that he decided to ask. 2 - PF)


Abarvenel, Malbim: Sha'ul wanted to act without asking; the Kohen said that they should ask.


Refer to 14:32:6:3*.


Our verse implies that the Kohen said that they should ask! Perhaps the verse is abbreviated. Sha'ul said to bring the Urim v'Tumim; the Kohen said, it is proper that we go to it. Or, the people meant that Sha'ul heeds those who say to ask the Urim v'Tumim first. (PF)

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