
Why does the Torah insert the word "Sei" both by "Kevasim" and by "Izim"?


Rashi (in Bo, Sh'mos, 12:5): We learn from the fact that the Torah writes "ve'Sei Izim" that the term "Seh" also applies to goats.


Targum Yonasan: To preclude the children of Tamei species, and children of a crossbreed of a Tahor species with a Tamei one.


Why does the Torah write "Sei Kesavim" (plural)?


B?choros, 7a: To teach us that it is only Kasher if its father and mother are both of a Tahor species ? either a lamb or a goat. Refer to 14:4:1:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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