
What are the connotations of "Vayenasu Osi"?


Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means that they tested Hashem - like the simple meaning of the word. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 17 DH 'u'Mah she'Peirash Rashi' and 'u've'Gilyon'.


Which ten tests is the Pasuk referring to?


Rashi (citing Erchin, 15a): Two by the Manna, two by the quails, two by the Yam-Suf, two in connection with water, one by the Golden Calf and one in Midbar Paran 1 (in connection with the spies). 2


Rashbam: "Eser Pe'amim" means multiple times, and not specifically ten. 3


See Sifsei Chachamim.


See Ba'al ha'Turim in Pasuk 17.


Rashbam: As in Bereishis 31:7, and in Vayikra 26:26.


Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "Vayenasu Osi Zeh Eser Pe'amim"?


Arachin, 15a: To intimate that the decree was issued on account of (the) Lashon ha'Ra (of the spies), and not the other nine times that they tested Hashem. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 16.



Rashi writes that two tests were with the Manna, two with the quails, two at Yam-Suf, two with water, one with the Golden Calf and one here. Also Pirkei Avos (5:4) says that they tested Hashem ten times in the Midbar. But there was also Mei Merivah, later in 20:1?


Moshav Zekenim: (The two tests with water were in Marah, and in Refidim (Sh'mos 15:23-25 & 17:2 & 7). Mei Merivah and Refidim count as one, since both were in connection with the Well of Miriam. 1


Maharsha (Erchin 15a): The Mishnah counts only tests up to the spies. Therefore, it omits Korach, complaining in Parshas Chukas and Ma'aseh Pe'or?


Da'as Zekenim (in 20:1): The episode of Mei Merivah is the same as in Sh'mos 17:2 & 7. The place was called 'Masah u'Merivah', similar to below (20:13, "Heimah Mei Merivah)", and in Devarim (33:8) the Torah writes "Nisiso be'Masah Teriveihu al Mei Merivah" 2 It says here (in Pasuk 1) that they traveled from Midbar Sin, and concerning that episode it says in Devarim, 32:51 "be'Mei Merivas Kadesh Midbar Tzin. 3 " In Beshalach, the Torah tells us how Hashem gave Manna, quails and water to Yisrael, and each is written in its place. 4


Torah Temimah: The Torah only lists the times that Yisrael tested Hashem until now, whereas Mei Merivah occured later.


I do not understand this. We count two tests with the Manna, two with the quails?! (PF)


Rashi (Devarim 33:12, Peirush Sheni) implies that this is the episode at which it was decreed that Moshe and Aharon should not enter Eretz Yisrael.


Pesikta Zutr'sa (Beha'aloscha 105b) says that Tzin and Sin are the same.


This implies that the episode really happened after Miriam died. From where did they have water until then? Perhaps he means that each one was written in a proper place - in which case Mei Merivah is written after Miriam's death to hint that the water was in her merit. However, in Sh'mos it says that the episode was in Refidim, and Mei Merivah was in Kadesh (PF).

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