
What if the Nesek spread during the first or second week?


Rashi: The double Lashon "Pasoh Yifseh" teaches us that, even if it spread during the first or second week, it is Tamei. 1


Refer to 13:36:151:1 & 13:35:151:1 and note.



Rashi writes that "Pasoh Yifseh" teaches us that if the Nesek spread during the first or second week, he is Tamei. We should already know this, since the Torah writes "Lo Fasah" in connection with each of them?


Riva: If not for "Pasoh Yifseh", one might have thought that he is Tamei only if it spread and there are yellow hairs, but if only one of these occurred, he is Tahor. 1


Riva: I retract. Even without "Pasoh Yifseh", surely even one Siman is Metamei. If not, the Torah should have written "O Lo Hayah Se'ar Tzahov"! (Seemingly, this is like R. Yoshiyah. According to R. Yonason, "ve' Lo Hayah? " is synonymous with "O Lo Hayah" - PF)

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