
What is this Pasuk coming to add?


Rashi: It is adding a Lo Sa'aseh on whoever does not sustain the Levi. 1


See Sifsei Chachamim. Refer also to 12:19:151:1 and note.


What are the implications of "Al Admasecha"?


Rashi: It implies that the obligation of feeding the Levi is confined to Eretz Yisrael, but in Galus a Levi is no different than other Aniyim. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 71.


Why does the Torah insert the words "Pen Ta'azov es ha'Levi Kol Yamecha"?


Sifri: To include even during the years of Sh'mitah and Yovel. 1


When Ma'aser is not applicable. This implies that even if one has no Ma'aser, if he does not sustain poor Levi'im (refer to 12:18:2:1), he transgresses the La'av (PF). See also Torah Temimah, note 71.


Rashi (in Pasuk 18) writes that one who does not have Ma'aser must sustain the Levi from his own food. But later, in 14:27, he writes that he only transgresses "Lo Sa'azov" if he does not give him Ma'aser?


Mizrachi (in 14:27): Here the Torah is discussing eating (sustaining the Levi); there it is discussing Ma'aser.


Gur Aryeh (in 14:27): There, the Torah writes "Ki Ein lo Nachalah." Ma'aser is his inheritance. If you gave him Ma'aser, he has his inheritance (so that Pasuk does not obligate you).

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