Why did Pharaoh add the words, "Ka'asher Dibartem"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: He even conceded to their request to give them animals to sacrifice. 1
Rashi: See 10:25.
On what grounds did Pharaoh ask Moshe and Aharon for a Berachah?
Rashi, Ramban #1 and Targum Yonasan: Because he was himself a firstborn, and he was afraid that he would die. 1
Ramban #2: He was asking Moshe and Aharon to pray for his welfare 2 and the welfare of his country. 3
Ramban #3 (citing the Mechilta): He was asking them to pray that he should not continue to be punished on account of Yisrael.
Oznayim la'Torah: He was asking Moshe and Aharon to bless him that the Nile should rise to greet him (and water the land), 4 just as Yaakov had blessed his predecessor. 5
Refer to 12:29:3:1. Maharal - The significance of this fact was discussed in 12:29:3.3:1.
Ramban: Because the welfare of the king incorporates that of the state.
Which lay in a state of devastation following the plagues.
Seeing as, following the ten plagues, the economy was in shambles, and with the departure of Yisrael together with all their animals, it was likely to deteriorate still further - in addition to the fact that Israel 'emptied Egypt' of all its wealth.
Oznayim la'Torah: This will also explain why Pharaoh said "u'Veirachtem Gam Osi," and not 'Ha'tiru Ba'adi' - as he had said in the past (see 8:24).
What are the ramifications of the word "Gam"?
Ramban: 'When you go out to sacrifice and pray that you should not be smitten by pestilence or by the sword, include me in your prayers.'