
What do we learn from "Sheva ba'Yom Hilalticha"?


Menachos 43b: Yisrael are dear to Hashem, He surrounded us with seven Mitzvos - Tefilin on the head and arm, four Tzitziyos on the garment 1 , and Mezuzah on the doorway.


Rashi (from Yerushalmi Brachos 1:5): This refers to two Brachos before Keri'as Shma and one after in the morning, and two before it and two after it in the evening.


Radak: This refers to many times; "seven" is not precise. The same applies to "Sheva k'Chatoseichem" (Vayikra 26:21) 2 , "Sheva Yipol Tzadik v'Kam" (Mishlei 24:16). I praise You [for "Mishpetei Tzidkecha"] many times every day, whenever I remember them.


Beis Yosef (OC 55:1, citing Ge'onim): We do not say less than seven Kaddeshim every day.


Mishneh Sachir 41(23, citing Ramak): One who hearkens to Chazaras ha'Shatz gets credit for another 19 Brachos for listening, and another 19 Brachos for answering Amen. Via this, there are seven Tefilos each day - three in Shacharis, three in Minchah and one in Ma'ariv.


Malbim: This refers to three Tefilos of the day, and four at night - three in the three Ashmuros, and one at midnight.


Maharsha (43b): Even though the four Tzitziyos are one Mitzvah, they are distinct, therefore they are counted as four. Sefas Emes (ibid.) - why isn't Milah included? Perhaps it lists only Mitzvos that apply also to women, and like the opinion that Tefilin and Tzitzis apply even at night. (If so, why does it say "ba'Yom"? - PF)


The Torah explicitly lists five punishments after this. In order to count seven, Rashi (verse 22) includes Shen Behemos and Chamas Zochalei Afar, which are mentioned in Devarim. (PF)


What does "Mishpetei Tzidkecha" refer to?


Rashi: It is Keri'as Shma, which is Divrei Torah.


Malbim: You do righteous judgment in the world.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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