
What are the connotations of ? ? Hashem Elokecha Doresh osah??


Seforno: It means that Hashem examines its inhabitants to see whether or not they are deserve rain.

2.Targum Onkelos: It means that Hashem Eyes are always on it ? to its needs (andnot via Shali?ach).


Targum Yonasan: It means that Hashem?s Eye are always on it to do good to it.


How will we reconcile the current Pasuk ?Eretz asher Hashem Elokecha Doresh osah? with the Pasuk write in Iyov, 38:26 ?Lehamtir al Eretz Lo Ish?, implying that Hashem seeks all lands?


Rashi: Initially, He only seeks Eretz Yisrael, and once He does, He seeks all the other countries together with it. 1


Ramban: In fact, Hashem first sustains Eretz Yisrael and then all the other countries, as the Gemara states in Ta'anis, 10a. See R. Chavel's notes.


What are the connotations of "Einei Hashem Elokecha bah"?


Rashi: It means that He keeps an Eye on it (Hashgachah) to see what it needs and to issue decrees, sometimes good and sometimes not so good. 1


Seforno (commenting on the words "Doresh osah"): It means that He scrutinize the deeds of the people, whether they deserve rain or not. 2


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: It means that He judges the residents according to their deeds. If they were guilty on Rosh Hashanah and a small amount of rain was decreed, and they subsequently repented, Hashem will not change the decree; He will cause the rain to fall at the proper time and in places where it is needed. And if they were Tzadikim on Rosh Hashanah and abundent rain was decreed and they subsequently sinned, Hashem will not change the decree; He will cause the rain to fall at the wrong times and where it is not needed.


See Ba'al ha'Turim. And this is in, and of itself, a great advantage - spiritully - inasmuch as it is the source of Yir'as Shamayim, which in turn, prevents us from sinning. See Oznayim la'Torah,


Refer o 11:11:2:3*.


What are the implications of "me'Reishis Shanah ve'ad Acharis Shanah"?


Rashi: It implies that on Rosh Hashanah, Hashem decides what will happen to Eretz Yisrael until the end of the year (A proof that the first of Tishri is Rosh Hashanah). 1


Refer to 11:12:2:3.


Berachos, 55a: It implies that a good year requires Tefilah all the year round - and not just at specific times. 2


Which we learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim, 81:4 ?Tik?u ba?Chodesh Shofar ba?Kese le?Yom Chageinu?. See Torah Temimah, citing Rosh Hashanah, 8a. Refer also to 11:12:151:3.


See Torah Temimah, note 6.


Why is "me'Reishis" written Chaser (missing the 'Alef')?


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: Because the root of the word is 'Rash' (poor). To teach us that, if a year is 'poor' at the beginning (people act humbly), it will be rich at the end. 1


Moshav Zekenim: Because without the 'Alef', "Reishis" is the acronym of Rosh Chodesh, Shabbos, Yom Tov, Talmud Torah, 2 and one's income is decreed on Rosh Hashanah with the exception of these days - if one spends less for them, he will receive less, and if one spends more, he will receive more.


Ba'al ha'Turim: Because without the 'Alef', me'Reishis contains the same letters as 'mi'Tishri', which is when the year begins.


See Torah Temimah, note 8..


Moshav Zekenim cites Beitzah 16a, which does not include 'Rosh Chodesh in the list.

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