
Why does Hashem call them "Zayis Ra'anan"?


Refer to 11:15:1:4*.


Radak #1: An olive-tree is always fresh. The entire year its leaves are moist.


Radak #2: He told Keneses Yisrael, initially Hashem called you Zayis Ra'anan when you did His will. You were like a fresh olive-tree - its leaves do not wither. I.e. you constantly succeeded. You did good deeds, like fruits of the olive-tree, that its affluence, i.e. its oil, is used to honor Elokim and people.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Like an olive-tree, that its appearance is nice and comely, and its branches give the most shade among all trees.


Malbim: An olive-tree has three attributes. (a) Its leaves are fresh and moist in summer and winter. (b) Its appearance is nice. (c)Its fruits have [nice] form. The leaves guard the fruit, i.e. the wealth and success; it is always fresh and full of Hashem's Brachah. Nice appearance is a metaphor for Gevurah of the nation, and their increase and strength. Fruits of [a nice] form are a metaphor for their good deeds and Torah, which is the desired fruit.


What is the meaning of "Yefe Fri So'ar"?


Radak: The fruit is nice and the appearance is nice; "Yefe" applies to both of them.


Malbim: The fruit is nice, and the fruit has [nice] form.


What is "l'Kol ha'Mulah"?


Rashi: It is the clamor of a huge nation that will come against them.


Radak: This is like l'Kol ha'Machaneh. "Ha'Mulah" is like Milah - "Ein Milah bi'Lshoni (Tehilim 139:4), "Kol ha'Mulah k'Kol Machaneh" (Yechezkel 1:24).


Malbim: This is a great decree made against you.


Why does it say "Hitzis Esh Aleha"?


Rashi: They will crush its branches.


Radak: Aleha is like Alecha. Many verses switch between second person and third person, e.g. "Shim'u Amim Kulam" (Melachim I, 22:28), "Ki Yevoshu me'Eilim Asher Chamadtem" (Yeshayah 1:29), "va'Shem Hodi'ani


Malbim: This is a metaphor for plundering their wealth and storehouses.


What is the meaning of "v'Ra'u Daliyosav"?


Rashi: They will crush its branches.


Radak: You nations will break the branches. This is like "Yir'uch Kadkod" (2:16) and "v'Ra'u Es Eretz Ashur" Michah (5:5). Daliyosav are branches, like "Aromimcha Hashem Ki Dilisani" (Tehilim 30:2), i.e. You raised me. It uses this expression for the branches, for even the high branches will be broken. It is a metaphor for Yerushalayim and the Beis ha'Mikdash. Malbim - it is a metaphor for breaking the nation and exiling them.

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