
Why did Hashem say "Moshe Avdi Mes"?


Rashi #1: This teaches that if he were alive, I would want him [to take Bnei Yisrael into Eretz Yisrael].


Rashi #2: During the mourning over Moshe, 3,000 Halachos were forgotten (Temurah 15b). Yehoshua asked Hashem; Hashem replied, Moshe died, and the Torah is called on his name. I cannot tell you [the Halachos]; go distract [Bnei Yisrael] with war!


Malbim: This teaches that the two impediments (to Yehoshua leading Yisrael into the land) were removed. (a) In Moshe's lifetime, we could not cross the Yarden. (b) In Moshe's lifetime, Yehoshua could not be the leader.


Why does it say "Kum"?


Radak: This is to make him zealous.


Since it says "Lahem", why does it say also "li'Vnei Yisrael"?


Radak: We find verses with a pronoun and the noun, e.g. "Yevi'eha 1 Es Terumas Hashem", "va'Tir'ehu Es ha'Yeled" (Shemos 35:5, 2:6).


Malbim: Normally, if one conquers a land, it is called on his name, and he can apportion it as he wants. "Li'Vnei Yisrael" teaches that it is for them, and not for you.


'Yavi'u' is a printing mistake. (PF)

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