
What are the implications of the words "Se?u es Rosh ... "?


Rashi, Targum Onkekos and Targum Yonasan: It is synonymous with the Lashon ?ki Sissa es Rosh?. Refer to Sh'mos 30:12:1:1.


Ramban (citing Midrash Rabah) 1 : 'Like one says to an executioner - Remove the head of P'loni!' This refers to the scenario where, if Yisrael do not merit it, they will all die. 2 Whereas in the event that they do merit it, Hashem will raise them to greatness. 3


The Ramban initially cites Rashi, although it is not in our version of Rashi.


Ramban: Like Yosef told the chief baker (Bereishis 40:19) "The king will remove your head from on you and hang you on a tree."


Ramban: Like Yosef told the chief butler 'Par'oh will raise your head and return you to your post!'


What is the significance of the word "le'Mishpechosam"?


Rashi: "Le'Mishpechosam" in this Pasuk actually refers to the tribes and not to the families.


What are the connotations of "le'Veis Avosam"?


Rashi: It means that someone whose father is from the tribe of Reuven, say, and his mother, from Shimon is counted with the tribe of Reuven. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 1, who elborates..


Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) words "be'Mispar Sheimos"?


Ramban (in Pasuk 18) 1 : Because it was necessary to clarify the Yichus of each individual member of each family. 2


Seforno: Because every individual in that generation was counted by name, 3 since each one was a personality in his own right. 4


Oznayim la'Torah: Based on Bava Basra, 117a, that Eretz Yisrael was distributed according to those who left Egypt - and who were counted here, and according to the Rashbam there, who explains that, when they entered Eretz Yisrael, someone who had one son inherited his father's portion whereas if someone had ten sons, they inherited their father's portion between them, the Torah needs to stress that these are the ones who would receive a portion in Eretz Yisrael - to which end the Torah writes "be'Mispar Sheimos". 5


Refer to 1:18:2:2*


Ramban: This was not necessary by the second census which took place in the fortieth year, by which time their names were already well-known (See Ramban DH 'Vayisyaldu ... ').


Seforno: In the same way as the Torah writes in Ki Sisa, Sh'mos 33:17 "va'Eda'acha be'Sheim".


Seforno: This was not the case for the next generation, which explains why the Torah does not insert "be'Mispar Sheimos" in Pinchas, 26:2. See Seforno. See also Ba'al ha'Turim.


See Oznayim la'Toraah, who elaborates at length. See also 1:45:1:1.


What are the connotations of the word "le'Gulgelosam"?


Rashi: It teaches us that they were counted by means of the half-Shekalim, about which the Torah writes "Beka la'Gulgoles". 1


Rashi: In Sh'mos 38:26.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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