Why does it say "va'Takam Hi v'Chaloseha va'Tashav"?
Malbim: They all agreed to leave, for they thought that Mazal of the place causes (success or failure). Only Na'ami wanted to return to Eretz Yisrael. 'Returning' did not apply to her daughters-in-law. Also, they did not consent to go to Eretz Yisrael while in Sedei Mo'av, only later, like will be explained.
Why does it say "va'Tashav mi'Sedei Mo'av"?
Vilna Gaon: She went from Eretz Yisrael to Chutz la'Aretz because she thought that it is better there. When she was there, she realized that this is not so. Their primary influence is from Eretz Yisrael!
Why does it say "Ki Sham'ah
Malbim: Na'ami did not leave due to the place's bad Mazal 1 , amidst fear of death. If so, it would suffice to leave that place, and live elsewhere in Mo'av! Rather, she left Eretz Yisrael only due to the hunger, and intended to stay in Mo'av only until the hunger ends 2 .
Malbim said that all agreed to leave, for they thought that Mazal of the place causes! Perhaps he means that Rus and Orpah agreed to leave, for they thought that Mazal causes. However, his words here and below (refer to 1:7:1:2) imply unlike this. (PF)
Malbim citing a Midrash: It says "Ki Lo Yitosh Hashem Es Amo v'Nachalaso Lo Ya'azov" (Tehilim 94:14) and it says "Ki Lo Yitosh Hashem Es Amo Ba'avur Shmo ha'Gadol" (Shmuel I, 12:22). When Yisrael merit, Hashem does for His nation and inheritance. When not, He does for His great name. She heard that it was the former. Mo'avim do not believe in Hashem and His connection to Yisrael! The Midrash says that she heard from peddlers who came from Eretz Yisrael to sell in Sedei Mo'av. Had Hashem given bread due to His name, she would not have returned, lest the famine return, since the reason for the famine (they did not have Mishpat, and judged their judges) remained. She heard that Hashem did for His nation and inheritance (they fixed their deeds), therefore she returned.R U
Why is "Sedei Mo'av" repeated?
Vilna Gaon: This is to connect it to "Ki Fakad Hashem Es Amo." All good that comes to the nations is due to Yisrael. The creation and good are for the sake of Yisrael - "Bereishis 1 ". "Veha'Aretz Haysah Sohu va'Vohu" (Bereishis 1:2) - due to Resha'im's deeds, the world should be void of all good. "Yehi Ohr" - due to Yisrael, who are Tzadikim, good light was created, and also Resha'im benefit from it. The primary influence is due to Yisrael, and in Eretz Yisrael - "Einei Hashem Elokecha Bah me'Reishis ha'Shanah" (Devarim 11:12). She "heard" (understood) this. "Lases Lahem Lechem" - Mo'av receives only due to the influence from Eretz Yisrael!
Vayikra Rabah 36:4 - for the sake of Yisrael, who are called Reishis - "Kodesh Yisrael la'Shem Reishis Tevu'aso" (Yirmeyah 2:3).