
What is "She'ar ha'Ba'al"?


Rashi: It is a remnant of [the idolatry] Ba'al to be remembered. (It will be cut off.)


Radak: It is what remained of Avodas ha'Ba'al. Bnei Yehudah did not serve it as fervently as Bnei Yisrael; Achav strengthened its Avodah, and also other Malchei Yisrael after him. Perhaps "v'Hichrati" is via Yoshiyah, who eradicated all [idolatry]. Or, it refers to Churban of the land. Malchei Yehudah after Yoshiyah did evil in Hashem's eyes. The idolatry will eradicate those who serve it - "v'Nasati Es Pigreichem Al Pigrei Giluleichem" (Vayikra 26:30).


Malbim: Yoshiyah already cut off Ba'al 1 , just a remnant remained.


Above (1), Malbim explained that Tzefanyah prophesized before Yoshiyah repented from his evil! This requires investigation. (PF)


What do we learn from "ha'Kemarim Im ha'Kohanim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Those who serve them, with their priests.


Radak: The Kemarim wear black for the sake of idolatry. The Kohanim serve in front of the idolatry. Their name and memory will perish from the world.


Malbim: The Kemarim are priests who serve the sun. The Kohanim are Kohanei Hashem. Hashem will cut off Tzadik with Rasha.

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