
Why does it say "Techilas Diber Hashem b'Hoshe'a"? There were many prophets from Moshe until Hoshe'a!


Rashi citing Pesachim 87b: He was the first of four Nevi'im [whose Nevu'os are Seforim in Tanach] who prophesized at the same time ? Hoshe'a, Yeshayah, Amos and Michah. Yeshayah prophesized (6:4) "va'Yanu'u Amos ha'Sipim", i.e. the day of ha'Ra'ash, when Uziyah stood in the Heichal to burn Ketores. Upper beings wanted to burn him, and lower beings clamored to swallow him, like the punishment of Adas Korach (who also sought to seize Kehunah) ? some were burned and some were swallowed. . It says about Amos (1:1) "Shnasayim Lifnei ha'Ra'ash 1 " Michah was the last ? he prophesized "bi'Ymei Yosam Achaz Chizkiyah" (Michah 1:1), but not in the days of Uziyah.


Rashi: This means that this was the first time that Hashem spoke to Hoshe'a.


Malbim (1): Another source that Hoshe'a was first is "uvi'Ymei Yaravam" (1), i.e. when Uziyah was still submissive under him. It does not say so about Yeshayah, for he began to prophesize after Uziyah ruled absolutely. The verse about Amos implies that his Nevu'ah began shortly before Uziyah ruled absolutely.


What is the tense of "Diber"?


Radak #1: It is past tense ? the first matter that He spoke with him was "Kach Lecha?"


Radak #2: It is a noun, like "veha'Diber Ein Bahem" (Yirmeyah 5:13).


Why does it say "b'Hoshe'a"?


Radak #1: We find the prefix Beis with Nevu'ah ? "ha'Rak Ach b'Moshe Diber Hashem ha'Lo Gam Banu Diber" (Bamidbar 12:2), "Ru'ach Hashem Diber Bi" (Shmuel II, 23:20).


Malbim: Dibur with the prefix Beis shows that Ru'ach ha'Kodesh spoke in the Navi for his need, and not for the sake of a Shelichus to the nation. Or, it is speech of complaint. This was Chazal's source to say that the first Ru'ach ha'Kodesh of Hoshe'a was a dispute, and due to this He told him to marry a Zonah. Presumably, the dispute was connected to the command afterwards.


Why did Hashem tell him "Kach Lecha Eshes Zenunim v'Yaldei Zenunim"?


Rashi and Radak, citing Pesachim 87a: Hashem told him 'your children sinned 1 .' Hoshe'a should have answered 'they are Your children, descendants of Your dear ones, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov!' Rather, he said 'switch them for another nation!' Hashem wanted to teach him the absurdity of his suggestion. I will tell him to have Safek children from a harlot (perhaps they are not his children). After she bore two sons and a daughter to him, Hashem said 'you should have learned from Moshe, who separated from his wife after I spoke with him 2 !' Hoshe'a said, I have children from her. I cannot expel or divorce her! Hashem said, your wife is a Zonah, and her children are Bnei Zenunim, and you cannot divorce her. So I, Bnei Yisrael are the sons of those whom I tested - Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov, one of five 3 acquisitions [that I made in My world]. Hoshe'a realized that he had sinned. He asked Hashem to forgive him. Hashem told him to ask forgiveness for Yisrael. He requested mercy for them. He 4 nullified the decree and blessed them "v'Hayah Mispar Bnei Yisrael k'Chol ha'Yam?" (2:1).


Targum Yonasan: Prophesize about those who dwell in the city of idolatry. Rashi ? "Kach" is an expression of learning ? teach them to repent!


Radak: Hoshe'a never actually married a harlot 5 . This was a prophetic vision that he will marry a Zonah and father three children from her. It is a Mashal for Yisrael, who are Mezanah (stray) from Hashem ? "Ki Zano Sizneh ha'Aretz me'Acharei Hashem."


Malbim: Hashem wanted Hoshe'a to be His Shali'ach to rebuke them and make them repent. This is obligatory for Nevi'im, like it says below "Rivu b'Imechem Rivu" (2:4). Hashem said that it is improper to return them, since they were Mezanah with foreign gods, just like a wife who was Mezanah ? her husband expels her, and does not return her. Hashem said, I do not want, since I have from them virtuous children. You will be like Me!


See additional notes to Point by Point Outlines for Pesachim 87, note 49.


Our text in Pesachim says 'four'. (PF)


I.e. Hashem (PF).


Malbim: We are not forced to say so. Hoshe'a was not a Kohen ? a Yisrael may marry a Zonah! We find that Hashem commanded Nevi'im to do matters unlike Torah law, for Hora'as Sha'ah, e.g. Yechezkel shaved his Pe'os and beard with a razor, and Eliyahu offered a Korban [outside the Mikdash] when Bamos were forbidden.


What is "Eshes Zenunim"?


Malbim: It is a woman known for Zenus.


What are "Yaldei Zenunim"?


Rashi: She will bear to you children who are Safek Mamzerim (perhaps they are from another man). Malbim ? so Keneses Yisrael is a Zonah to idolatry. Her children are born via Zenus (thoughts of heresy and idolatry). Even so, I will keep her for My wife.


Radak: This is a Mashal for Yisrael and those born from them, who strayed from Hashem.


Malbim: They are children already born via Zenus ? this is testimony that she is a Zonah ? "Zansah Tamar Kalasecha v'Gam Hine Harah li'Znunim" (Bereishis 38:24).


What is the grammatical form of "Zano Sizneh"?


Rashi: It is present tense.

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