
Why did he offer Korbanos?


Malbim: He saw that people oppose him and support Shlomo. He wanted to tie those who love him in a Bris via a feast. At the feast with wine, they will declare him king, before Shlomo's lovers give counsel; Adoniyahu will reign suddenly. Therefore, he did not call to those who oppose him.


What is "Meri"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: It is a fattened [bull]. Radak - Tzon and Bakar were from the pasture, and Meri was from the house in which it was fattened. Meri is an expression of force-feeding - 'Ein Mamrim Es ha'Agalim' (Shabbos 155b), i.e. to make it lie down, prop open the mouth and feed it vetch and water together.


What is "Even ha'Zocheles"?


Rashi: It is a great rock. Bachelors test their strength, to see if they can move it and drag it. This is like Mayim Zochalim (Mikva'os 1:8), "Zochalei Afar" (Devarim 32:24).


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Even Sakosa. (Sakosa refers to looking. Radak - it is the Targum of Mitzpah (Bereishis 31:9)) People stand on it, and can see far.


Radak: It is a rock that water was Zochel (flowed) near it. Malbim - this is Ein Rogel.


What is "Im Even ha'Zocheles"?


Radak: It is near Even ha'Zocheles.


What is "Ein Rogel"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Ein Katzra (it is where launderers kick (Rashi Ta'anis 29b - trample on) wool garments [to clean them]. Radak - a launderer is called a Rogel, because he rubs the garments with his feet.


Why does it say that he called "Es Kol Echav? ul'Chol Anshei Yehudah"?


Malbim: 'Korei Es' calls a person to a great matter. He took counsel first with Bnei ha'Melech, to see if they will agree. He did not take counsel with Bnei Yehudah; he just called them; they will agree at the feast, therefore it says 'Korei' followed by the prefix Lamed. It says (verse 10) that he did not call "Es" Nasan, Benayahu, the Giborim and Shlomo. 1


I.e. it would have been proper to take counsel with them, but he did not do so. (PF)

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