IF ONE PLANTED TERUMAH (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 9 Halachah 1 Daf 47b)
[ãó îæ òîåã á] îùðä äæåøò úøåîä ùåââ éåôê åîæéã é÷ééí åàí äáéàä ùìéù áéï ùåââ áéï îæéã é÷ééí åáôùúï îæéã éåôê.
(Mishnah): If a person inadvertently planted Terumah, he may uproot it. If it was intentional, he must leave it. If it had already grown a third (of its full size), whether he had planted it inadvertently or intentionally, he must leave it, In the case of flax, if it was intentional he must uproot it.
åçééáú áì÷è åáùëçä åáôéàä åòðéé éùøàì åòðéé ëäðéí îì÷èéï åòðéé éùøàì îåëøéï àú ùìäï ìòðéé ëäðéí áãîé úøåîä åäãîéï ùìäï
Growths from Terumah seeds are obligated in Leket, Shichechah and Pe'ah and poor Yisraelim and Kohanim may collect them, but poor Yisraelim sell theirs to poor Kohanim for the price of Terumah and the money then belongs to them (the Yisraelim).
[ãó ôå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø''è àåîø àéï îì÷èéï àìà òðéé ëäðéí ùîà éùëçå åéúðå ìúåê ôéäï
(R. Tarfon): Only poor Kohanim should collect, lest the poor Yisraelim accidently put some in their mouths.
à''ì ø' ò÷éáä à''ë ìà éì÷èå àìà èäåøéí.
(R. Akiva to R. Tarfon): If so, only Tahor people should collect.
åçééáú áîòùø åáîòùø òðé åòðéé éùøàì åòðéé ëäðéí ðåèìéï åòðéé éùøàì îåëøéï àú ùìäï ìëäðéí áãîé úøåîä åäãîéï ùìäï
The growths from Terumah seeds are also obligated in Maaser and Maaser Ani - poor Yisraelim and poor Kohanim both take and the poor Yisraelim sell it to the Kohanim for the price of Terumah and the money then belongs to them.
äçåáè îùåáç åäãù ëéöã éòùä úåìä ëôéôåú áöåàøé áäîä åðåúï ìúåëï îàåúå äîéï åðîöà ìà æåîí àú äáäîä åìà îàëéì àú äúøåîä
One who beat the produce (to thresh it without the use of an animal) is praiseworthy. But one who treads (i.e. he threshes with oxen in the regular fashion), what should he do? He should hang baskets on the necks of the animals (to prevent them eating the Terumah) and fill the baskets with the same produce as the Terumah, thereby not muzzling the animal but also not having it eat the Terumah.
âîøà äæåøò úøåîä ùåââ éåôê ëå'. ìà îñúáøà ãìà çéìåôéï
(Gemara) Question: The Mishnah taught that if a person inadvertently planted Terumah, he may uproot it. (If it was intentional, he must leave it.) Isn't the opposite more logical?
÷ðñå áå ùúáèì ùãäå òì âá úøåîä
Answer: If it was intentional, they penalized him that all of his field should be Terumah and he's not permitted to plant Chulin there.
ø' ùîåàì áø àáãéîé áòé îäå ùéäà ðàîï ìåîø îæéã äééúé
Question (R. Shmuel bar Avdimi): Is a person believed to say that he had planted Terumah intentionally (thereby allowing him to leave it growing)?
åà''ì àí ëùäéå îëéøéï ìà ëì äéîéðå åàí ìàå äôä ùàñø äåà äôä ùäúéø
Answer: If others knew that he had planted Terumah, he's not believed. If not, (he's believed, because) the mouth that prohibited is the mouth that permitted. (Since he could have remained silent rather than informing us that he had planted Terumah, he is believed.)
ø' áðéîéï áø âéãì áòé æøò úøåîú ëøùéðéï æøò úøåîú çåöä ìàøõ
Question (R. Binyamin bar Gidel): Are the growths of animal fodder that was Terumah or Terumah of Chutz LaAretz considered Terumah?
à''ì âæéøä äéà åàéï âæéøä ìâæéøä
Answer: It itself is a decree and we don't make a decree to protect a decree.
äãà àîøä ùä÷ãåùä çìä òìéä ëùäåà îçåáø [ãó ôå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äãà àîøä äôøéù îôéøåú ùìà äáéàå ùìéù ìà ÷ãùå.
Since the Mishnah taught "if it had already grown a third'', he must leave it even if he had planted it intentionally - this shows that the sanctity falls upon it when it is still attached. Also, if one separates Terumah from produce that didn't yet grow a 1/3rd, it's not effective.
åáîæéã éåôê
Question: The Mishnah taught that in the case of flax, if it was intentional he must uproot it. Why is it different from regular Terumah?
÷ðñå áå ùìà éäðä á÷éñîéï:
Answer: Since the main benefit of flax is from the stalks, which are Chulin, there was concern that a person might plant the flax for its stalks.
øáé éåñé áòé äôøéù òåîøéï ùìå åðúçìôå ìå àôéìå ëï òðéé éùøàì åòðéé ëäðéí îì÷èéï
Question (R. Yosi): If a person separated his sheaves as Terumah and they became mixed with sheaves of Leket - is it permitted even for poor Yisraelim to gather (or is prohibited lest they eat from it themselves)? (The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)
úðà àùúå ùì òí äàøõ èåçðú òí àùúå ùì çáø áæîï ùäéà èîàä àáì áæîï ùäéà èäåøä ìà úèçåï ùäéà îçæ÷ú òöîä èäåøä îîðä
Tosefta: The wife of an Am HaAretz may help the wife of a Chaver grind produce when she is Temeyah (as she will know to be careful from making the Chaver's wife's produce Tamei). But when she thinks she is Tehorah, she shouldn't help, as she will not be careful (because she wrongly assumes herself to be Tehorah).
åëãáøé ø' èøôåï àôé' áæîï ùäéà èîàä ìà úèçåï ùîà úùëç åúúï ìúåê ôéä.
And according to R. Tarfon of our Mishnah, who said that only poor Kohanim should collect lest the poor Yisraelim accidently put some in their mouths; even when she is Temeyah she shouldn't help, lest she forget and eat from it.
ëï äéà îúðéúà à''ë ìà éì÷èå àìà [ëäðéí] èäåøéï.
R. Akiva's intent in the Mishnah (above (d)) is that only Kohanim that are Tehorim may eat.
ëï äéà îúðéúà çééáú áúøåîåú åáîòùøåú åáîòùø òðé
The Mishnah's intent is that (when it taught that the growths from Terumah seeds are also obligated in Maaser and Maaser Ani) it also obligated it in Terumah.
ìéèøà áöìééí ùì îòùø øàùåï ùðèòä åäøé áä òùø ìéèøéï [ãó îç òîåã à] äøé àìå çééáåú áîòùøåú åàåúå îòùø øàùåï ùìäï ùäåà îôøéù òì úøåîú îòùø åòì îä ùðèò
Tosefta: If a Litra of Maaser Rishon onions (that had not had their Terumas Maaser separated) were planted (and a further nine Litra grew), totalling ten Litra, since the original Litra returned to its state of Tevel when he planted it, he must separate Terumos and Ma'asros and he must separate Terumos Maaser from both the Maaser Rishon of the original and the nine new Litra.
ìéèøà áöìéí ùì îò''ù ùðèòä åäøé áä òùø ìéèøéï çééáú áîòùøåú åçåæø åôåãä àú îò''ù ùðèò:
If a Litra of Maaser Sheni onions were planted (and a further nine grew), totalling ten Litra, they are obligated in Ma'asros (but the growths may be eaten outside of Yerushalayim since they are not Maaser Sheni) and he must redeem the Maaser Sheni that he planted.