
OPENING A QUARRY (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 3 Halachah 4 Daf 8a)

[ãó ëá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä ìà éôúç àãí îçöá áúçéìä ìúåê ùãäå òã ùéäà áå ùìåù îåøáéåú ùäï ùìåù òì ùìåù òì øåí ùìåù ùéòåøï òùøéí åùáò àáðéí


(Mishnah): One should not open a stone quarry in his field (otherwise it appears as if he is preparing his field for planting) unless it has three visible layers of stones that are three by three and three high. He is then permitted to remove 27 stones.

âãø ùéù áå é' àáðéí ùì îùåé ùðéí ùðéí äøé àéìå éðèìå


If there's a wall that has at least 10 stones, each heavy enough to require 2 men to carry them, he may remove all of the stones from the wall.

ùéòåø âãø òùøä èôçéí ôçåú îëàï îçöá åâåîîå òã ôçåú îï äàøõ èôç


The minimum height of the wall (to be able to remove stones freely) is 10 tefachim. If it's less than that or there aren't 10 large stones, it is like a quarry and he may cut from it until it is a Tefach from the ground.

áã''à îúåê ùìå àáì îúåê ùì çáéøå îä ùäåà øåöä éèåì


When is it prohibited to remove stones from a quarry or wall? When he's taking them from his own field, but he may take whatever he wishes from his friend's field.

áã''à áæîï ùìà äúçéì áå òøá ùáéòéú àáì àí äúçéì áå îòøá ùáéòéú îä ùäéä øåöä éèåì:


It is also only prohibited if he did not begin before Sheviis, but if he did, he may continue to take without limit.

âîøà äéàê òáéãà úìúà æîðéï îï úùò úùò æîðéï îï úìú òùøéï åùáò


(Gemara): How are the 27 stones arranged? Three rows of nine stones or nine rows of three stones.

úðé îçöá ùáéðå ìáéï çáéøå åôúç áå çáéøå áäéúø îåúø åàí äéúä øé÷ä àñåø


Baraisa: A quarry that is partially in a person's field and partially in his neighbor's field; if his neighbor opened a quarry in a permitted way, he may continue it. But if it was completely cleared out, it is prohibited.

[ãó ëâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] úîï úðéðï äæéæ îáéà àú äèåîàä áëì ùäåà äâæøä åäâåáìéú áôåúç èôç


Mishnah in Maseches Ohalos: A Ziz (a decorative board protruding from a house wall above a doorway) can bring Tumah (to the entire house) even if less than a Tefach wide (as it joins with the width of the house wall); a Gizrah (a board whose end is bent upwards) and a Govlis (that bends upwards on each side like a gutter) - both bring Tumah if they are a tefach wide. (The Mishnah there then continues to explain that the Ziz is three rows higher than the doorway.

àîø ø''ç áø áà äãà àîøä æä ùäåà î÷áì ðãáê îçáéøå öøéê ìòùåú ìå àøáòä èôçéí ëãé î÷åí


(R. Chanan bar Abba): This means that a person who agrees to make a row of stones for his friend, must make it a height of 4 tefachim.

à''ø éåñé îúðé' àîøä ëï åáîä àîøå äæéæ îáéà àú äèåîàä áëì ùäåà áæéæ ùäåà âáåä îï äôúç â' ðãáëéï ùäï ùðéí òùø èôç åìîä úðéðï ðãáëéï ìîãú äãéï


Support (R. Yosi): That Mishnah (in Ohalos) teaches that - 'When did they say that the Ziz of any width brings Tumah? If it is 3 rows above the doorway, which is 12 Tefachim. Why did it teach 'rows'? To teach how many Tefachim there are in a row.

ø''ç áø áà ùàì àéðåï ùéòåøéï ëàéðåï ùéòåøééà


Question (R. Chiya bar Abba): Is the measure of stones for the fence in our Mishnah the same as that of the rows discussed in Maseches Ohalos?

ø' çæ÷éä áø éò÷á áø àçà áùí ø' éåñé áï çðéðà àéìéï ùéòåøééà ëàéðåï ùéòåøééà


Answer (R. Chezkiyah bar Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Yosi ben Chanina): They are the same.

äëà àú àîø ùéòåø âãø òùøä èôçéí ôçåú îëàï îçöá åëà àú àîø äëéï


Question: But here the minimum height of the wall is 10 Tefachim and in Tumah, it is 4 Tefachim...?

îä àðï ÷ééîéï àí ëùäéå á' ðãáëéï ðéúðé ùîåðä èôçéí àí ëùäéå â' ðéúðé ùðéí òùø èôçéí


Question: What's the case of our Mishnah? If there are two rows, it should be 8 Tefachim; if there are three rows, it should be 12 Tefachim?!

à''ø éåñé öà çöé èôç ìñéúåú îëàï åçöé èôç ìñéúåú îëàï åëï ìçáøéä ðîöà [ãó ç òîåã á] â' ðãáëéí ùì òùøä èôçéí [ãó ëâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ôçåú îëàï àéðå ìà âãø åìà îçöá


Answer (R. Yosi): There are 3 rows, but since at any point of contact between the rows, he must file and smooth each stone 1/2 a Tefach, so a total of 2 Tefachim is filed down and the height of 3 rows is therefore 10 Tefachim; less than 10 is not a wall or a quarry.

(úðé) à''ø éåãà áã''à áæîï ù(ìà )ðúëåéï ìúé÷åï ùãäå àáì àí [ìà] ðúëåéï ìúé÷åï ùãäå àôé' éåúø îëàï îåúø


Baraisa (R. Yehuda): When must he leave a Tefach above the ground? When he is intending to improve his field for planting, but if not, he may cut even more and does not need to leave a Tefach.

àîø øùá''â áã''à áæîï ùìà ðúëååéï ìúé÷åï ùãäå àáì àí ðúëååéï ìú÷ï ùãäå àôéìå ôçåú îëàï àñåø


(Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): When may he remove stones and leave a Tefach? When he isn't intending to improve his field for planting, but if he is, to remove even less than that is forbidden.

à''ø áéáé äåøé øáé éåñé ëäãà úðéà ì÷åìà:


(R. Baybei): R. Yasa ruled leniently like this Baraisa (like the opinion of R. Yehuda).