úåñôåú ã"ä ÷áìåú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we don't derive Kabalah from the Pasuk quoted earlier in our Gemara.)
åà"ú úéôå÷ ìéä ÷áìåú îäî÷øéá àú ãí äùìîéí ãä÷øáä äåé ìùåï ÷áìä
Question: We should derive Kabalah from the Pasuk, "The one who brings close the blood of the Shelamim," as "brings close" is a term used for Kabalah.
ëãàîøéðï ôø÷ ä÷åîõ [øáä] (îðçåú ãó éè.) åä÷øéáå áðé àäøï î÷áìä åàéìê îöåú ëäåðä
Question (cont.): This is as the Gemara states in Menachos (19a), "And Bnei Aharon should offer" implies that from Kabalah and on must be performed by a Kohen.
åé"ì ãäëà ëéåï ãëúéá äî÷øéá àú ãí äùìîéí åàú äçìá åáçìá ìà ùééê ÷áìä ãí ðîé ìà îùúòé á÷áìä
Answer: Our Gemara is quoting the Pasuk "The one who brings close the blood of the Shelamim and the fat." Just as Kabalah does not apply to the fats, so too when the Pasuk states, "The one who brings close" it cannot be referring to the Kabalah of the blood.
úåñôåú ã"ä äéöé÷åú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes that there is an argument if a non Kohen can pour the oil of the Menachos.)
áøéù ä÷åîõ [øáä] (ùí ãó éç:) ôøéê îéðä ìäà ãàîø äúí ìà éö÷ ëäï àìà æø ëùø åäëà ÷àîø ùäéà òáåãä äîñåøä ìáðé àäøï
Observation: The Gemara in Menachos (18b) asks a question from the Beraisa (authored by Rebbi Shimon) in our Gemara on the statement in Menachos (ibid.) that if a Kohen did not pour the oil, it is valid. Our Gemara says that it is a service that is given to Kohanim to perform!
åîñ÷éðï ãìà ëø"ù
Observation (cont.): The Gemara (ibid.) concludes that saying that pouring can be done by a non Kohen is unlike Rebbi Shimon.
úåñôåú ã"ä îù÷ì
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Abaye's statement.)
ùìà à÷øà âøâøï åìà àâæåì îîé ùöøéê éåúø îîðé àò"ô ùâí äåà ìà äéä òùéø
Explanation: This is in order that I should not be called a glutton, and I will not steal from someone who needs it more than me. Abaye said this despite the fact that he was not wealthy.
úåñôåú ã"ä ìáø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Abaye would only take Matnos Kehunah on Erev Yom Kippur.)
ùéåí èåá äåà ëãàîø áôø÷ àåúå åàú áðå (ìòéì ãó ôâ.) åîúðåú îøåáåú åëäðéí îúàñôéï åàéìå ìà äéä ðåèì äéå àåîøéí ùàéðå ëäï
Explanation: Erev Yom Kippur was a Yom Tov, as stated earlier (83a). There were many Matanos on that day and the Kohanim gathered (to partake of them). If he would not take on that day, people would say he must not be a Kohen.
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the correct text is Rava, as Rabah was a Kohen.)
øáà âøñé' ãøáä ëäï äåä
Text: The text should read Rava, as Rabah was a Kohen.
ëãàîø ôø÷ òã ëîä (áëåøåú ãó ëæ.) (øáà) [øáä] äåä îáèì ìä áøåá åàîøé' ðîé (ø"ä ãó éç.) àáéé åøáä îãáéú òìé ÷à àúå
Proof: This is as stated in Bechoros (27a) that Rabah used to nullify Terumah of Chutz la'Aretz b'Rov. We also say in Rosh Hashanah (18a) that Abaye and Rabah came from the house of Eili.
úåñôåú ã"ä æáçé ùìîé öáåø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that our Gemara is referring to the Kivsei Atzeres.)
äï ëáùé òöøú åéù ìäí ãéï àùîåú ìéàëì ìôðéí îï ä÷ìòéí ëãúðï áàéæäå î÷åîï (æáçéí ãó ðã:)
Explanation: They are Kivsei Atzeres, and they have a Halachah of needing to be eaten inside the Azarah, as stated by the Mishnah in Zevachim (54b).
úåñôåú ã"ä åòåøåú ÷ãùéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos does not understand why skins of Kodshim is considered a Matanah given in Yerushalayim instead of in the Mikdash.)
úéîä àîàé çùéá òåøåú ÷ãùéí îäàøáò ùäéå áéøåùìéí äìà áòæøä äéå îôùéèéï àôéìå ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí îùåí àéîåøéí ùìà äéå éëåìéí ìäåöéà çåõ ìòæøä åä"ì ìîéîðéä òí òùø ùáî÷ãù
Question: This is difficult. Why are the skins of Kodshim in the list of the four Matnos Kehunah that applied in Yerushalayim? They would even skin Kodshim Kalim in the Azarah due to the fact that they could not bring their limbs outside of the Azarah. This should therefore be included in the list of the ten Matanos given in the Mikdash!
úåñôåú ã"ä àå ãéìîà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara's question is not impacted by the case of our Mishnah.)
äà ìà ãîé ëìì ìîúðéúéï ãúðï çåõ îï äîúðåú ôèåø îï äîúðåú
Implied Question: This is totally incomparable to the Mishnah's statement that if he said, "besides the Matanos" he is exempt from Matanos. (Why is it incomparable?)
ãäà ìà îçééá äúí éùøàì áîúðåú îùåí ùäîúðåú ðùàøå áéã ëäï
Answer: This is because the Yisrael is not obligated in Matanos there, because the Matanos stay in the hands of the Kohen.