CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.



úåñôåú ã"ä àáì úøåîä áðâéòä ðîé àñåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the statement in spite of the fact that there is no Revi'i be'Tum'ah.)

àò"â ãàéï òåùä øáéòé


Implied Question: Even though it does not make a Revi'i ...

ä"à ãàñåø ìéâò, ãâæøéðï ùìà éáà ìàëåì.


Answer: ... we would nevertheless have thought that one is forbidden to touch it, in case one comes to eat it.



úåñôåú ã"ä äàåëì ùìéùé ùì çåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù èäåø ìàëåì á÷ãù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses in what regard it is considered a Shelishi, and how Rebbi Yitzchak does not argue with both Rebbi Yehoshua and Rebbi Eliezer.)

ëîå ùàéðå òåùä øáéòé.


Clarification: Just as it does not make a Revi'i.

åäà ãð÷è 'àåëì' åìà ð÷è 'îâò' - ùàéðå òåùä øáéòé àí ðâò á÷ãù ...


Implied Question: And the reason that he mentions 'Someone who eats' and not 'Someone who touches' (that he does not render Kodesh that he touches a Revi'i ...

øáåúà ð÷è ãäàåëì çîåø îîâò ...


Answer: ... is because, since eating is more stringent than touching, it is a bigger Chidush ...

ãäà àåëì àú ùìéùé äåé ùðé ì÷ãù.


Source: ... as we see in the case of someone who eats a Shelishi, who becomes a Sheini regarding Kodesh.

åà"ú, ìòðéï îàé äåé ùìéùé, ëéåï ãàåëìå äåé èäåø àôéìå ìàëåì á÷ãù, åâí àí ðâò á÷ãù àéðå òåùä øáéòé?


Question: In what regard is it considered a Shelishi, seeing as a. someone who eats it is Tahor even with regard to eating Kodesh, and b. if it touches Kodesh it does not render it a Revi'i?

åðøàä ãð"î ìëé äà [ãúðï] (ãúðéà) áôø÷ ÷îà ãèäøåú 'äùøõ îèîà ùìùä åôåñì àçã á÷ãù; áàéæä ÷ãù àîøå á÷ãù î÷åãù, ëîå çìåú úåãä åø÷é÷é ðæéø ùðùçè òìéäï äæáç, åäîðçåú ù÷ãùå áëìé ...


Answer (Part 1): They are considered a Revi'i with regard to the Mishnah in the first Perek of Taharos 'A Sheretz is Metamei three and renders Pasul one regarding Kodesh. This refers to Kodesh Mekudash, such as the Loaves of a Todah or the Wafers of a Nazir on which the Korban Shelamim has been Shechted, or to Menachos that have been sanctified in a K'li Shareis ...

àáì çìåú úåãä åø÷é÷é ðæéø ùìà ðùçè òìéäí äæáç, åîðçåú ùìà ÷ãùå áëìé àéðï ìà ë÷ãù åìà ëçåìéï, àìà äøé äï ëúøåîä, åäùøõ îèîà áäï ùðéí, åôåñì àçã.


Answer (Part 2): ... but the Loaves of a Todah or the Wafers of a Nazir on which the Korban Shelamim has not been Shechted, or the Menachos that have not been sanctified in a K'li Shareis, are neither like Kodesh not are they like Chulin, but like Terumah, which the Sheretz is Metamei two and renders Pasul one.

åäùúà ìòðéï æä éù áäï ùìéùé, ãùåá àéï ùåçèéï òìéäí äæáç, åàéï î÷ãùéï äîðçåú áëìé, ãúå ìà çæå ì÷ãåùú äâåó.


Conclusion: ... And it is in this regard that they are considered a Shelishi, in that one can no longer Shecht the Shelamim on them nor will they render Kodesh the Menachos in a K'li Shareis, since they are no longer subject to Kedushas ha'Guf,

åà"ú, øáé éöç÷ ëîàï, ìà ëø"à åìà ëøáé éäåùò ...


Question (Part 1): Rebbi Yitzchak (the author of the current ruling) it seems, hold neither like Rebbi Eliezer nor like Rebbi Yehoshua ...

ãìøáä áø áø çðä ìøáé éäåùò àéï áäï ùìéùé ëìì, åìòåìà äà ã÷àîø øáé éäåùò 'ùìéùé ùðé ì÷ãù' äééðå àó ìçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù.


Question (Part 2): ... since, according to Rabah bar bar Chanah, Rebbi Yehoshua holds that Shelishi shel Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh is not subject to Shelishi at all, whereas according to Ula, when he says 'Shelishi Sheini le'Kodesh', he is referring even to Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh' ...

àé ëø"à, äà àîø ùìéùé, ùìéùé?


Question (Part 3): ... whereas according to Rebbi Eliezer, someone who eats a Shelishi becomes a Shelishi?

åð"ì, ã÷ñáø øáé éöç÷ ãø"à åøáé éäåùò ìà àééøå àìà áùìéùé ùì çåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú úøåîä, ùèäøúä èåîàä äéà àöì ä÷ãù; àáì àåëì ùìéùé ùì çåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù èäåø ìàëåì á÷ãù.


Answer: Rebbi Yitzchak maintains that Rebbi Eliezer and Rebbi Yehoshua are speaking specifically about Shelishi shel Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas Terumah, whose Taharah is Tamei as regards Kodesh. But someone who eats Shelishi shel Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas Kodesh is Tahor to eat Kodesh.

åà"ú, ú÷ùä îúðéúéï ãèäøåú ìøáé éöç÷ ã÷úðé 'ùìéùé ùáúøåîä ôåñì', åôéøùúé ìòéì ãàééøé áðòùä òì èäøú ä÷ãù?


Question: The Mishnah in Taharos (Perek 2, Mishnah 4) which states "Shelishi she'bi'Terumah, Posel', and which Tosfos explained on the previous Daf (DH 've'ha'Shelishi') is referring to ' ... Na'aseh al Taharas ha'Kodesh', poses a Kashya on Rebbi Yitzchak.

åé"ì, ãîñ÷éðï 'úðàé äéà'.


Answer: The Gemara concludes (on Amud 'Beis') that 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh is a Machlokes Tana'aim.



úåñôåú ã"ä àéï ìê ãáø ëå' àìà ÷ãù î÷åãù áìáã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos queries Rashi, who holds that a Revi'i ba'Kodesh is de'Rabbanan, and proves that it is d'Oraysa. They also resolve Rashi's Kashya in Pesachim, regarding how it is possible to find a Revi'i ba'Kodesh according to certain opinions.)

îä ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãøáéòé á÷ãù îòìä ãøáðï äéà, îã÷úðé ìä áä' îòìåú àçøåðåú, á'çåîø á÷ãù' - ãàîø äúí ãìéú ìäå ãøøà ãèåîàä ãàåøééúà ...


Refuted Explanation: What Rashi explains - that Revi'i ba'Kodesh is merely a Ma'alah de'Rabbanan, since the Tana mentions it among the last five Ma'alos in Perek Chomer ba'Kodesh, and the Gemara says there that these five have no connection with Tum'ah d'Oraysa ...

àéï ðøàä, ãäà çùéá ðîé áä' îòìåú àçøåðåú 'ëìé îöèøó îä ùáúåëå ì÷ãù', åöéøåó äåé ãàåøééúà, ìøáé çðï ãñô"÷ ãôñçéí (ãó éè.)?


Refutation (Part 1): ... is not correct, seeing as it also lists in those last five Ma'alos that a K'li combines whatever it contains (Metzaref) concerning Kodesh, and 'Tziruf' is d'Oraysa, according to Rebbi Chanina at the end of the first Perek of Pesachim (Daf 19a).

åàôéìå øáé çééà áø àáà, ãôìéâ òìéä äúí, åàîø 'öéøåó ãøáðï äåà', äà àéäå îå÷é ìä ëø"ò, åø"ò ñ"ì ùìéùé áçåìéï ãàåøééúà, åà"ë øáéòé á÷ãù ðîé ãàåøééúà, ã÷øé ëàï 'åäáùø àùø éâò áëì èîà ìà éàëì',îàé ìàå ãðâò áùìéùé?


Refutation (Part 2): And even Rebbi Chiya bar Aba, who disagrees with Rebbi Yochanan there and holds that Tziruf is de'Rabbanan, establishes the Mishnah there like Rebbi Akiva, who holds that a Shelishi be'Chulin is d'Oraysa, in which case, a Revi'i ba'Kodesh is d'Oraysa as well, since we will apply here the Pasuk "And the Basar which touches any Tamei cannot be eaten!"; Is this not speaking where it touched a Shelishi?

åäà ã÷øé ìøáéòé á÷ãù áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ãó ëã.) îòìä áòìîà ...


Implied Question: And the reason that the Gemara in 'Kol Sha'ah' (Daf 24a) refers to a Revi'i as a mere Ma'alah ...

ìàå îùåí ãäåé îãøáðï, ãäà 'äáéà ëôøúå àåëì á÷ãùéí' ÷øé ìéä ðîé äúí îòìä, àò"â ãäåé ãàåøééúà, ëããøùéðï áäòøì (éáîåú òã:).


Answer: ... is not because it is mi'de'Rabbanan, bearing in mind that it also refers to 'Heivi Kaparaso, Ochel be'Kodshim' as a Ma'alah, even though it is d'Oraysa, as the Gemara Darshens in 'ha'Areil' (Yevamos 74b) ...

å÷àîø ðîé äúí ã"åäáùø", 'ìøáåú òöéí åìáåðä' äåé îòìä, åì÷îï (ãó ìå.) îåëéç îéðéä ãçéáú ä÷ãù ãîëùøú ãàåøééúà.


Precedence: ... in the same way as it refers to "ve'ha'Basar", 'Lerabos Eitzim u'Levonah' as a Ma'alah even though the Gemara later (Daf 36a) proves from there that Chibas ha'Kodesh is Machshir mi'd'Oraysa.

åäà ãàîø áô' áéú ùîàé (æáçéí ãó îå:) âáé "åäáùø", 'ìøáåú òöéí åìáåðä, ìôñåìà áòìîà' ...


Implied Question: And when the Gemara says in Perek Beis Shamai (Zevachim 46b) regarding "ve'ha'Basar", 'Lerabos Eitzim u'Levonah' - 'li'Pesula be'Alma' (a mere P'sul) ...

ìàå ôñåìà áòìîà ãøáðï, àìà ìîéîø ãìàå ìîì÷åú ã"ìà éàëì" îøáä ìéä, àìà ìéôñì îä÷øáä ÷àîø, ãî÷áì èåîàä, åìòåìí ôñåìä ãàåøééúà.


Answer: ... it does not mean 'P'sula be'Alma de'Rabanan', but that it is not included with regard to the Malkos of "Lo Yochal", only to render it Pasul to be brought on the Mizbe'ach.

åäà ãàîø áôø÷ çåîø á÷ãù (çâéâä ãó ëà:) ã'ä' àçøåðåú ìéú ìäå ãøøà ãèåîàä ãàåøééúà' ...


Question: And when the Gemara says in Perek Chomer ba'Kodesh (Chagigah 21b) that 'the last five items in the list have no connection with Tum'ah d'Oraysa' ...

ø"ç ì"â 'ãàåøééúà'.


Answer #1: ... Rabeinu Tam does not have the word 'd'Oraysa' in his text.

åàôéìå âøñéðï 'ãàåøééúà', ä"ô - ãëä"â áçåìéï ìéëà ãøøà ãèåîàä ãàåøééúà, ãøçå÷ äåà îèåîàä.


Answer #2: Though the truth is that even if it is inserted, what the Tana means is that, in a similar case regarding Chulin, there would be no connection with Tum'ah d'Oraysa, seeing as it is so distant from Tum'ah.

åîä ùîã÷ã÷ á÷åðè' áôñçéí ãìà îùëç øáéòé á÷ãù îãàåøééúà, ìî"ã èåîàú îù÷ä ìèîà àçøéí ìàå ãàåøééúà, åàéï àåëì îèîà àåëì - ãäéàê éëåì ìáà ìéãé øáéòé, ùøõ ëìé åëìé àåëì åàåëì îù÷ä äøé àéï ëàï àìà ùìùä?


Rashi's Question: ... and what Rashi asks in Pesachim that one cannot find a Revi'i ba'Kodesh mi'd'Oraysa, according to those who hold that Tum'as Mashkeh to be Metamei others is not min ha'Torah; and that food cannot be Metamei food. Since a Sheretz is Metamei a K'li, a K'li, food, and food, liquids. But that is only a Shelishi?

åàéï æä ÷åùéà, ãîùëçú ìéä ùôéø ò"é òöéí åìáåðä.


Answer (Part 1): ... This is not a Kashya however, since it is possible to find a Revi'i via wood and frankincense.

åàò"â ãø"ì îéáòé ìéä ì÷îï àé îäðé çéáú ä÷ãù ìîéîðé áéä øàùåï åùðé ...


Question: And even though Resh Lakish queries whether Chibas ha'Kodesh (the source of Hechsher Tum'ah of Eitzim and Levonah) can make a Sheini and Shelishi ...

ääåà àîåøà ãàîø áôñçéí ã'àéï àåëì îèîà àåëì' ñáø ã'îåðéï áå øàùåï åùðé'; åø"ì ñáø ã'àåëì îèîà àåëì'.


Answer: ... the Amora who holds in Pesachim (18b) that 'Ochel is not Metamei Ochel' holds that we do count Rishon and Sheini by it); whereas Resh Lakish (who is unsure about the latter) holds that 'food is Metamei food'.



úåñôåú ã"ä áçåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú úøåîä åàîàé äà ìàå ÷ãù î÷åãù äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the S'varos of the Maksheh, who holds like Ula, and Rebbi Yitzchak.)

ð"ì, ãäàé î÷ùä ñáø ãèòîà äåà ãäàåëì ùìéùé ùðé äåé, îùåí ãëéåï ãìà ðæäø ìùåîøå îìéèîà åìéâò áùðé, àéëà ìñôå÷é ðîé ãìîà ðâò áøàùåï ...


Explanation of Sugya (Part 1): It seems that the current questioner) maintains that someone who eats a Shelishi becomes a Sheini because since he was not careful to guard it against Tum'ah and touching a Sheini, one must be concerned that he may also allow it to touch a Rishon ...

åñáø ëòåìà, ãáðòùå òì èäøú ä÷ãù ðîé ùìéùé ùðé îäàé èòîà ...


Explanation of Sugya (Part 2): ... and he holds like Ula, that Shelishi she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh also becomes a Sheini for the same reason.

åìéú ìéä ãèäøúä ùì úøåîä èåîàä äéà àöì ÷ãù, àìà ùîéøú úøåîä çùéáà ìùîéøä àöì ÷ãù.


Explanation of Sugya (Part 3): Nor does he hold that the Taharah of Terumah is considered Tum'ah with regard to Kodesh, but that Shemiras Terumah is considered a good Shemirah even as regards Kodesh too.

åøáé éöç÷ îùðé ãå÷à áùìéùé äðòùä òì èäøú úøåîä äåé àåëìå ùðé, ãèäøúä èåîàä äéà àöì ä÷ãù; àáì ùìéùé äðòùä òì èäøú ä÷ãù äåé àåëìå èäåø ìàëåì á÷ãù, ëîå ùàéðå òåùä øáéòé.


Explanation of Sugya (Part 4): To which Rebbi Yitzchak replies that Davka regarding 'Shelishi she'Na'asu al Taharas Terumah does the person who eats it become a Sheini, because the Taharah of Terumah is considered Tum'ah with regard to Kodesh, but someone who eats a Shelishi al Taharas ha'Kodesh is Tahor to eat Kodesh, just as it does not make a Revi'i ...

åìãéãéä úøåîä èäåøä ðîé îèîàä ÷ãù. åìäëé ÷àîø 'îðà úéîøà?' - ãîîàé ã'ùìéùé ùðé' àéï ìäåëéç ìôé ñáøú äî÷ùä.


Explanation of Sugya (Part 5): ... and according to him, even Terumah Tehorah renders Kodesh Tamei. Hence the Gemara asks from where he knows that, seeing as, according to the reasoning of the questioner, one has no proof for that from the fact that someone who eats a Shelishi becomes a Sheini.

åîééúé î'áâãé àåëìé úøåîä îãøñ ìàåëìé ÷ãù'.


Explanation of Sugya (Part 6): So he brings a proof from the Mishnah in Chagigah - that the clothes of those who eat Terumah are considered Medras regarding those who eat Kodesh ...

åàéï ðøàä ìå ìçì÷ áéï îãøñåú ìôéøé.


Explanation of Sugya (Part 7): ... and he does not draw a distinction between things that are subject to Medras and fruit (which is not).

åøáà îùðé ãéù ìçì÷, åìà çééùéðï áôéøé ùîà ðâò áîãøñ, ð"ì.


Explanation of Sugya (Part 8): Rava on the other hand, answers that one does draw such a distinction, and we are not concerned that perhaps the fruit touched the Medras. 'So it seems to me'.




úåñôåú ã"ä ùîà úùá òìéäï àùúå ðãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves from various sources that an Am ha'Aretz is not Metamei be'Medras or be'Heset.)

à'áâãé òí äàøõ îãøñ ìôøåùéï' öøéê ðîé äàé èòîà, ãò"ä àéðå òåùä îãøñ, åìà îèîà áäéñè ...


Explanation: We also need this reason to explain why 'Bigdei Am ha'Aretz Medras li'Perushin', seeing as the Am ha'Aretz himself is neither Metamei via Medras nor via Heset ...

ëãúðï áäãéà áîñëú èäøåú áô"æ (îùðä å) 'äâðáéí ùðëðñå ìáéú, àéðå èîà àìà î÷åí øâìé äâðáéí; åîä äí îèîàéí, àåëìéï åîù÷éï åëìé çøñ ôúåçéí; àáì ìà äîùëáåú åäîåùáåú åëìé çøñ äîå÷ôéï öîéã ôúéì ...


Source #1 (Part 1): ... like learned in Maseches Taharos (Perek 7, Mishnah 6) 'ha'Ganavim she'Nichnesu la'Bayis, Eino Tamei Ela Makom Raglei ha'Ganavim; u'Mah heim Metam'im, Ochlin u'Mashkin u'Chelei Cheres Pesuchim; Aval Lo ha'Mishkavos ve'ha'Moshavos u'Chelei Cheres ha'Mukafin Tzamid Pasil ... .

åàí éù òîäï òåáã ëåëáéí àå àùä, äëì èîà'.


Source #1 (Part 2): ... ve'Im Yesh Imahen Oveid-Kochavim O Ishah, ha'Kol Tamei'.

îùîò áäãéà ãò"ä àéðå òåùä îùëá åîåùá, åàéðå îèîà áäéñè.


Conclusion: This clearly implies that an Am-ha'Aretz neither renders Tamei Mishkav and Moshav, nor is he Metamei be'Heset.

åáäðéæ÷éï (ãó ñà:) ðîé ôøéê âáé îå÷ó öîéã 'åìéçåù ùîà úñéèðå àùúå ðãä?' îùîò ãäåà òöîå àéï îèîà áäéñè.


Source #2: In 'ha'Nizakin' too, the Gemara asks with regard to 'Mukaf Tzamid ... ' why we are not afraid that perhaps his wife moved it whist she was a Nidah, implying that he himself is not Metamei visa Heset.

åöøéê ìéúï èòí ãî"ù ãìòðéï öéðåøà ùìå òùàåäå ëæá, ùîòééðåúéå èîàéí, ëãîùîò áô' áðåú ëåúéí (ðãä ãó ìâ:) åáô' çåîø á÷ãù (çâéâä ãó ëâ.); åìòðéï îãøñ åäéñè ìà òùàåäå ëæá?


Question: We need to find a reason to explain why the Chachamim gave his 'Tzinor' (spit etc.) the Din of a Zav, in that his 'fountains' are Metamei, as is implied in Perek B'nos Kutim (Nidah 33b) and in Perek Chomer ba'Kodesh (Chagigah, 23a); yet with regard to his Medras and his Heset, they did not give him the Din of a Zav?

åðøàä ãèòîà îùåí ãàéï âåæøéï âæéøåú òì äöéáåø àìà à"ë øåá äöéáåø éëåìéï ìòîåã áäí; åáöéðåøà ùìå àôùø ìéæäø, àáì çåîøà éúéøä ëâåï îùëá åîåùá åäéñè ìà øöå çëîéí ìäçîéø.


Answer: It seems that it is because the Chachamim only issue decrees which the community are able to abide by. Consequently, whereas it is possible to guard oneself against his 'Tzinor', Mishkov, Moshav and Heset are excessive Chumros which the Chachamim did not want to be overly strict.

åáôø÷ áðåú ëåúéí (ðãä ãó ìâ:) éù ìäàøéê éåúø åìà ëàï.


Comment: Perek B'nos Kutim (Nidah 33a) is a more appropriate location to discuss this matter than here.



úåñôåú ã"ä åàí àîø äôøùúé ìúåëä øáéòéú ÷ãù ðàîï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how the Kohen is allowed to eat from the mixture, seeing as it contains Hekdesh.)

åà"ú, äéàê éàëì ëäï àú äúøåîä, ëéåï ã÷ãù îòåøá áä?


Question: How is the Kohen permitted to eat the Terumah, seeing as Hekdesh is mixed together with it?

åé"ì, ãò"é áøéøä ùéàîø 'øáéòéú ùàðé òúéã ìäôøéù éäà ÷ãù'.


Answer: By means of 'B'reirah', where he declares that the Revi'is that he is about to separate from it will be Kodesh (and the rest, Terumah).



úåñôåú ã"ä úèîà úøåîä ì÷ãù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot simply believe the Am ha'Aretz regarding Terumah as well.)

åà"ú, ùàðé äëà, ùùîøä òì èäøú ÷ãù, åîî"ð ëéåï ãîäîðéú ìéä à'÷ãù, îäéîï ðîé à'úøåîä?


Question: But it is different here, seeing as he guarded it 'al Taharas Kodesh'. So 'Mah Nafshach', since as he is believed with regard to Kodesh, he is also believed with regard to Terumah?

åé"ì, ãñ"ã ëéåï ãúøåîú çáø ðîé îèîà ÷åãù - îùåí ãèäøúä èåîàä àöì ä÷ãù, ìà ùééê äëà ìäéîðéä ìòí äàøõ, îùåí ùìà éäà áåðä áîä ìòöîå.


Answer #1: We would have thought that, since the Terumah of a Chaver is also Metamei Kodesh - 'seeing as the Taharah of Terumah is Tamei with regard to Kodesh', it is not possible to believe the Am ha'Aretz, so that he should not go and build a Bamah for himself' (do his own thing).

àé ðîé, ôøéê ãä"ì ìîéçù ùîà ðúï ÷ãù áçáéú àçø ùðúï áä úøåîä.


Answer #2: Alternatively, the Gemara is asking that we ought to suspect that he may have placed Kodesh in the barrel after the Terumah.



úåñôåú ã"ä ùçéèä îëùøú åìà ãí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is so.)

åèòîà îùåí ãîúøú áùø áàëéìä. åëï ôéøù á÷åðèøñ.


Clarification: This is because it renders the meat permitted to eat. And this is also how Rashi explains it.



úåñôåú ã"ä ãí äîú àéðå îëùéø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that the Sugya is talking about Dam Adam, and not Dam Beheimah - like Rashi explains.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ áäîä ùîúä îàìéä; åáñîåê ðîé âáé 'ãí îâôúå àéðå îëùéø', ôéøù ëîå ëï ãí îëú áäîä.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains this to mean an animal that died naturally. A little later in the Sugya too, regarding 'the blood of a wound that is not Machshir', he explains likewise with regard to the blood of the wound of an animal.

å÷ùéà ìø"ú, ãà"ë äì"ì 'ãí îúä', 'ãí îâôúä'?


Question #1: In that case, Rabeinu Tam asks, the Tana ought to have said 'Dam Meisah', 'Dam Megeftah' (in the feminine)?

åòåã ãâáé àãí úðï ìä áîñëú îëùéøéï (ô"å îùðä å) ...


Question #2 (Part 1): Moreover, the Mishnah in Machshirin (Perek 6, Mishnah 6) learns it in connection with Adam ...

åäëé àéúà äúí 'àìå îèîàéï åîëùéøéï - æåáå åøå÷å ùëáú æøòå åîéîé øâìéå åøáéòéú ãí îï äîú åãí äðãä ... . øáé ùîòåï àåîø, ãí äîú àéðå îëùéø'?


Question #2 (Part 2): ... as it states there 'These are the things that are Metamei and Machshir: his Zivus, his seed, his urine, a Reve'is of blood from a Meis and the blood of a Nidah'.

åòåã, ããí îâôúä ùì áäîä, àôéìå øáðï îåãå ãìà îëùéø ...


Question #3: Furthermore, even the Rabbanan agree that the blood from an animal's wound is not Machshir ...

ãàîø áôø÷ çáéú (ùáú ãó ÷îâ:) 'ìà, àí èîà çìá àùä ùìà ìøöåï, ùëï ãí îâôúä èîà, éèîà çìá áäîä ùìà ìøöåï, ùãí îâôúä èäåø?'


Source (Part 1): ... because the Gemara says in Perek Chavis (Shabbos 143b) 'Not at all; If the milk of a woman is Tamei against her will, that is because blood from her wound is Tamei. Will the milk of an animal also be Tamei against the owner's will, seeing as the blood of its wound is Tahor?' ...

åîñúîà ëøáðï àúé, ãìà îñúáø ìàå÷åîé ëøáé ùîòåï åìà ëøáðï?


Source (Part 2): ... and presumably, this goes according to the Rabbanan, as it would be illogical to establish it like Rebbi Shimon and not the Rabbanan?

åòåã, ãàé ùééê 'ãí çììéí' ááäîä, îàé ùðà âáé àãí ãàîøé' 'îä ìé ÷èìä ëåìä îä ìé ÷èìä ôìâà, ããí îâôúå îëùéø'; åîàé ùðà âáé áäîä ãìà àîøéðï?


Question #4: Fourthly, if 'Dam Chalalim' applied to an animal, why do we say by Adam 'What difference does it make whether it is completely dead or only partially (wounded)', and not by an animal?

åòåã, ãàîøéðï áñîåê 'øáé çééà ñáø ãàéðä ìùçéèä àìà ìáñåó, åäà ãí îëä äéà åìà îëùø!' - åäúí ëøáðï, ãäà îëùø ãí ùçéèä.


Question #5 (Part 1): And finally, the Gemara will say shortly that Rebbi Chiya holds 'Einah li'Shechitah Ela li'be'Sof', and this is Dam Makah, which is not Machshir!' And that goes according to the Rabbanan, according to whom the blood of Shechitah is Machshir.

åáôø÷ äòåø åäøåèá (ì÷îï ÷ëà.) àîø 'ùåðéï éùøàì áèîàä åòåáã ëåëáéí áèäåøä öøéëé îçùáä (áä), åäëùø îî÷åí àçø'.


Question #5 (Part 2): And in Perek ha'Or ve'ha'Rotev (121.) the Gemara states 'We have learned that a Yisrael who slaughters a Tamei animal and a Nochri who slaughters a Tahor one require Machshavah, and a Hechsher from another source'.

åàîàé ìà îëùø îèòí ãí çììéí?


Question #5 (Part 3): Why is it not Tamei because of 'Dam Chalalim?'

îéäå ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ùí ãìà î÷øé ãí çìì àìà òì éãé âéñèøà åîöåàø, ëã÷àîø áñåèä 'ìúú àåúä òì çììé öåàøé øùòéí'.


Answer: Rashi however, explains there that it is only called the blood of a Chalal if it comes through being torn apart via the neck - as the Gemara states in Sotah 'To place it on the slain necks of Resha'im'.

åàéï ðøàä, ãäà öã áéú äùçéèä äåà ãàé÷øé öåàø ëãîùîò áô"÷ (ìòéì ãó éè:)?


Refutation: But this is not correct, since the area of the Beis ha'Shechitah is called 'the neck, as is implied in the first Perek (19b).

ìëê ðøàä ìø"ú ãëåìä ùîòúúà àééøé áàãí, ãùééê áéä 'ãí çììéí', åìà ááäîä.


Explanation #2: Rabeinu Tam therefore explains that the entire Sugya is talking about Adam, in connection with whom 'Dam Chalalim' is applicable, and not with Beheimah.



úåñôåú ã"ä ìùîòéðï ãí äùçéèä åë"ù ãí äîú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Kol She'Kein, even though initially, the two seem to be unconnected.)

åà"ú, åîàé ë"ù, ãîä òðéï æä àöì æä, äà îúøé ÷øàé ðô÷é ìøáðï ãí äîú î"ãí çììéí éùúä", åãí ùçéèä î"úùôëðå ëîéí"?


Question #1: Why is this a 'Kol she'Kein'? Seeing as the Rabbanan learn the latter from "Dam Chalalim" and the former, from "Tishp'chenu ka'Mayim", what has one got to do with the other?

åëï ÷ùä áñîåê âáé ãí îâôúå?


Question #2: And the same Kashya will apply a little later with regard to 'Dam Magefto'?

åé"ì, ãñ"ã ãàôéìå ìøáðï àé ìàå ãðô÷à ìï ãí ùçéèä î"úùôëðå ëîéí", äåä àîéðà ã'ãí çììéí' ãå÷à îëùéø, ãäééðå ùðäøâ åìà îú îàìéå, ãìà àîøéðï 'îä ìé ÷èìéä àéäå îä ìé ÷èìéä îìàê äîåú!'. ãàéï ìê áå àìà çéãåùå, ãìà îöéðå ãí îëùéø àìà ãí çììéí


Answer (Part 1): Because we would have thought that, even according to the Rabbanan, had we not learned Dam Shechitah from "Tishp'chenu ka'Mayim", we would have thought that specifically Dam Chalalim is Machshir, where the animal was killed and did not die naturally. We would not say 'What difference does it make whether a person killed it or the Mal'ach ha'Ma'ves!' since we cannot go beyond the Chidush that the Torah is teaching us, and we do not find that any blood other than 'Dam Chalalim' is Machshir.

. àáì äùúà ããí ùçéèä îëùéø, ìà äåé çéãåù îàé ãîëùéø ãí çììéí, åàîøéðï 'îä ìé ÷èìä ... '?


Answer (Part 2): But now that 'Dam Shechitah' is Machshir, the fact that 'Dam Chalalim is also Machshir is no longer a Chidush, and we can apply the S'vara 'Mah li Katla Kula ... '.

åëï áñîåê.


Conclusion: And the same answer will apply a little later.



úåñôåú ã"ä ìîéùøé ãîï ãôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos first establishes this D'rashah according to Chizkiyah, and not like Rebbi Avahu, then elaborates on the D'rashah.)

åìø' àáäå ãàîø áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ãó ëà:) ã"ìà úàëìå?" îùîò àéñåø äðàä, àéöèøéê ìîéùøé ëì ãí.


Clarification (Part 1): According to Rebbi Avahu, who says in Perek Kol Sha'ah (Pesachim 21b) that "Lo Sochlu" incorporates an Isur Hana'ah, we need the Pasuk ("al ha'Aretz Tishp'chenu ... ") to permit all blood be'Hana'ah ...

åäëà ð÷è 'ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï' îùåí ãçæ÷éä ãôìéâ òìéä ...


Clarification (Part 2): ... and the Gemara here, which learns from it Pesulei ha'Mukdashin, goes according to Chizkiyah, who argues with Rebbi Avahu ...

åàîø ã"ìà úàëìå" ìà îùîò ìéä àéñåø äðàä;


Clarification (Part 3): ... and who maintains that "Lo Sochlu" does not incorporate an Isur Hana'ah.

åäåä îöé ðîé ìîéîø ãàöèøéê ÷øà ìãí áäîä ãìà áòé ëñåé ...


Implied Question: The Gemara could also have said that we need the Pasuk to teach us that the blood of a Beheimah does not require Kisuy ha'Dam ...

ëãàîøéðï áøéù ëñåé äãí (ì÷îï ãó ôã.).


Precedent: ... like the Gemara states at the beginning of 'Kisuy ha'Dam' (84b)?

åàåîø ø"é, àò"â ãàéï äé÷ù ìîçöä ...


Answer (Part 1): The Ri explains however, that even though we have a principle 'Ein Hekesh le'Mechtzah' ...

ìà îñúáø ìéä ìø' ùîòåï ìîãøù î"úùôëðå ëîéí" àìà ìòðéï ùôéëä. ãìà áòé ÷áåøä åìà ëñåé ...


Answer (Part 2): ... Rebbi Shimon does not consider it logical to Darshen from "Tishp'chenu ka'Mayim" anything other than something to do with pouring - that it needs neither burial nor covering.

àáì äëùø ìà ùééê îéãé ìùôéëä.


Conclusion: ... whereas Hechsher has nothing to do with pouring.