
(a)Why, according to Rava, can one not examine two blisters that are side by side?

(b)What does he rule in a case where there is one blister that looks like two? What does this mean?


(a)Rava describes the lung when it is hanging by its hind legs, with its innards facing the Shochet. How many Unos does it have ...

1. ... on the right?

2. ... on the left?

(b)What will be the Din, according to him, if ...

1. ... there are either too many Unos on either side or too few?

2. ... two Unos on the right and three on the left?

(c)On what grounds does he also declare T'reifah an animal with a lung that has an extra Unah?


(a)What did Mereimar rule in the case of a lung that a Shochet brought before him which had an extra Una?

(b)And what did he tell the Shochet, when, at Rav Acha's instigation, the former returned to the Beis-Din to query his ruling?

(c)Under what conditions did Mereimar rule that it was Kasher?

(d)He conceded however, that it would be T'reifah if the extra Una was situated in the middle (in the area of the Inunisa de'Varda) or at the end (between the two Umos). In which third case does he agree that an extra Una would render the animal T'reifah?


(a)A case came before Rav Ashi with an extra Una in the middle, which Rav Ashi wanted to declare T'reifah. What objection did Rav Huna bar Rav Ivya raise to that?

(b)How come that Rav Ashi was unaware of this?

(c)Why is this Una called Inunisa de'Varda?

(d)Under what circumstances does Rav Huna bar Ivya agree that even an Inunisa de'Varda as small as a myrtle-leaf renders the animal T'reifah?


(a)Nowadays, the vast majority of lungs possess an Inunisa de'Varda. What will be the Din if one is discovered without it?

(b)On what basis do we reject the opinion of those who maintain that if a lung is missing an Una on the right, the Inunisa de'Varda constitutes the third Una on the right?

(c)And what will be the Din if a lung possesses two Inunisi de'Varda?



(a)Rafram declares T'reifah an animal whose lungs resemble an Ufsa. What is an Ufsa?

(b)There are no less than five interpretations of what Rafram means. Some say that it means ba'Chazuta, which in turn, means that it resembles a rough block of wood in looks. Others say be'Gishta, and yet others, di'Nefichah. What is the meaning of ...

1. ... be'Gishta?

2. ... di'Nefichah?

(c)According to the Aruch, P'chiza means light (weight). Finally, what does de'Shi'a mean?

(d)What is the status of an animal whose lungs have the markings of a regular lung, but are not properly cut?

(e)Why is that?


(a)Based on a statement by Rebbi Chanina, Rava declares an animal with blue lungs, Kasher, but with black lungs, T'reifah. What does Rebbi Chanina say about black blood?

(b)And what does Rava say about a lung which is red or green?

(c)How does he learn this from Rebbi Nasan in the Beraisa concerning two women whose first two babies died on account of the B'ris Milah?


(a)What did Rebbi Nasan advise ...

1. ... the first woman, whose third baby was red?

2. ... the second woman, whose third baby was green?

(b)What conclusion do both episodes share?

(c)Rava declares an animal whose lung resembles a liver, Kasher. What does he say about one whose lung resembles a piece of meat?

(d)What Si'man, based on a Pasuk in Mishpatim, did he give as a reminder that it is the latter that is T'reifah?


(a)What does Rav Sama b'rei de'Rava say about a lung that is the color of hops, of safflower or of an egg?

(b)How do we reconcile the ruling regarding hops (which are green) with the previous ruling of Rava, who declared a green lung, Kasher?

(c)Ravina discusses a blocked lung (that one is unable to blow up). Under what circumstances may one declare it Kasher without any further inspection?

(d)What would one have to do, assuming that one did not find any puss there, to determine whether the animal is Kasher or not?


(a)What does Rav Yosef say about a membrane that grows over a wound in the lung? Why is that?

(b)We have already cited Rav's Yosef's discussion regarding a lung which emits a noise. What does Ula Amar Rebbi Yochanan say about Re'ah she'Nishp'chah ke'Kiton (a lung that pours like a jar)?

(c)On what basis might we have assumed it to be T'reifah?

(d)What do we extrapolate from Ula's statement?


(a)Rebbi Aba queries Ula from our Mishnah 'ha'Re'ah she'Nikvah O she'Chasrah, T'reifah'. What makes Rebbi Aba think that the Tana is referring to an internal Chesaron (posing a Kashya on Ula), rather than an external one?

(b)To refute Rebbi Aba's proof, we establish the Mishnah like Rebbi Shimon. How does Rebbi Shimon qualify the Din of ha'Re'ah she'Nikvah?

(c)How does this refute Rebbi Aba's Kashya? What is now the Mishnah's Chidush?


(a)When Rebbi Chananyah fell ill, and Rebbi Nasan and all the Gedolei ha'Dor went to visit him, what did they bring him to examine?

(b)He too, declared it Kasher. How did Rava qualify his ruling?

(c)Rav Acha b'rei de'Rava asked Rav Ashi how it was possible to know whether the Simponos have remained intact or not. What did he reply?

(d)Why specifically an earthenware dish overlaid with lead?


(a)Rav Nachman declares Kasher an animal part of whose lung has melted, but not the skin. How does this differ from the previous case (of Re'ah she'Nishp'chah ke'Kiton)?

(b)What does a supporting Beraisa say about ...

1. ... a case where the part of the lung that is empty could have held as much as a Revi'is?

2. ... an animal whose womb is missing?

(c)The Tana also cites a She'eilah asked by the b'nei Asya regarding a liver that became wormy. How long did it take for the Gedolei Yavneh to reach a conclusion and take a vote on the matter?

(d)What did they ultimately rule?