[47a - 17 lines; 47b - 57 lines]
1)[line 2]çãà åîúçæéà ëúøúéCHADA U'MISCHAZYA K'TARTEI- if there is one blister and it looks like two; like one large blister with a seam running down the middle
2)[line 3]ñéìåàSILVA- a thorn
3)[line 3]åáæòéðï ìäU'BAZ'INAN LAH- and we pierce it
4)[line 5]çîù àåðé àéú ìä ìøéàäCHAMESH UNEI IS LAH LA'REI'AH- the lung has five lobes (and two lower lobes as well)
5)[line 6]àôä ëìôé âáøàAPAH KELAPEI GAVRA- with the animal's face towards the person
6)[line 7]çñéøCHASIR- if one of the lobes is missing (the animal has two lobes on the right or one lobe on the left), it is a Tereifah
7)[line 7]éúéøYATIR- if one of the lobes is extra (it has four lobes on the right or three on the left), it is a Tereifah
8)[line 7]çìéóCHALIF- if one of the lobes is inverted (it has two lobes on the right and three on the left), it is a Tereifah
9)[line 9]àááàA'BAVA- at the entrance to the house
10)[line 10]àîø ìéä äãø òééìä ÷îéäAMAR LEI HADAR AILAH KAMEI- [Rav Acha] said to the butcher, "Bring it back before him (Merimar) and ask him about it again"
11)[line 12]åäðé îéìé ã÷ååîà áãøà ãàåðéV'HANEI MILEI D'KAIMA B'DURA D'UNEI- this applies where the extra lobe is situated in the row of the lobes. Since the extra lobe situated in the row of lobes is a common phenomenon, the principle of "anything extra is like something removed" does not apply (MEIRI)
12)[line 13]àáì áéðé áéðé èøôäAVAL BEINEI BEINEI TEREIFAH- but if it is situated in between the two rows of lobes, it is a Tereifah
13)[line 16]ëì äðé çéåé áøééúà äëé àéú ìäåKOL HANEI CHEIVEI BARYASA HACHI IS LEHU- all healthy (alternatively, self-grazing) animals have this
14)[line 17]òéðåðéúà ãååøãàEINUNISA D'VARDA- the small rose-like lobe, because of its coloration and fragility
15)[line 17]îâåàéMI'GAVEI- the small lobe you can see from the inside, i.e. it is located on the underside of the lungs
16)[line 1]àâáäA'GABAH- if it is located on the top of it, the side that is against the ribs and spine
17)[line 1]àôéìå ëèøôà ãàñàAFILU K'TARFA D'ASA- even if it is as small as the leaf of a myrtle, it is a Tereifah
18)[line 2]ããîéà ìàåôúàD'DAMYA L'UFTA- if a lung resembles a piece of wood
19)[line 4]áâéùúàB'GISHTA- they feel like wood
20)[line 4]ðôéçäD'NEFICHAH- that the lung is bloated
21)[line 5]ãôçéæàD'PECHIZA- that the lung is hard
22)[line 5]ãùéòà ãìéú ìä çéúåëà ãàåðéD'SHI'A D'LEIS LAH CHITUCHA D'UNEI- they are smooth like wood, the chambers are not delineated
23)[line 6]ëëåçìàK'CHOCHALA- (O.F. lazur) like blue
24)[line 7]ëãéåúàKI'DEYUSA- like dried black ink
25)[line 7]ùçåø àãåí äåà, àìà ùì÷äSHACHOR ADOM HU, ELA SHE'LAKAH- black blood is really red blood that has changed color after it came out of the body
26)[line 10]ìëøëé äéíL'KERACHEI HA'YAM- overseas (lit. to the cities of the sea)
27)[line 13]äîúéðé ìå òã ùéáìò áå ãîåHIMTINI LO AD SHE'YIBALA VO DAMO- he waited [to perform the circumcision] until the blood was absorbed
28)[line 16]ìîãéðú ÷ôåè÷éàL'MEDINAS KAPOTKIYA- to the country of Cappadocia, a district of Asia Minor
29)[line 18]éøå÷YAROK- greenish, like the color of grasses (this can refer to green, yellow, or blue) (see TOSFOS DH Ela)
30)[line 25]ëëùåúàKI'CHESHUSA- like hops (O.F. homlon)
31)[line 25]åëîåøé÷àU'CHEMORIKA- or saffron
32)[line 25]áéòúàBEI'ASA- an egg
33)[line 26]ëëøúéK'CHARSI- like a leek
34)[line 27]àèåí áøéàäATUM B'REI'AH- a clogged section in the lung
35)[line 28]îåâìàMUGLA- (O.F. cuiture) pus
36)[line 35]îùéëåúàMESHICHVASA- a basin of lukewarm water
37)[line 51]çìùCHALASH- he was sick
38)[line 55]îééúéðï öòà ã÷åðéàMAISINAN TZA'A D'KUNYA- bring utensils made of earthenware that are covered with lead (O.F. plomer - to cover [a clay vessel] with lead)
39)[line 56]ùåøéé÷é çéåøéSHURAIKEI CHIVREI- (O.F. tajes blanjes) white streaks
40)[line 57]øéàä ùðéîå÷äREI'AH SHE'NIMOKAH- if a lung decayed but the encasing membrane remains intact