[108a - 31 lines; 108b - 33 lines]
***************GIRSA SECTION******************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos
[1] Rashi 108a DH Iy Chidush Hu àé çãåù äåà:
The words "d'Keivan d'Lav Chidush Hu" ãëéåï ãìàå çãåù äåà
should be "v'Keivan d'Lav Chidush Hu" åëéåï ãìàå çãåù äåà
[2] Rashi 108b DH Gedi Asrah Torah v'Lo Chalav âãé àñøä úåøä åìà çìá:
The words "v'Afilu Chalav Mutar" åàôéìå çìá îåúø
should be "Ela Chalav Mutar" àìà çìá îåúø
(M. KORNFELD. According to RASHASH, the Girsa should be "v'Afilu Chalav ha'Nivla Mutar" åàôéìå çìá äðáìà îåúø)
[3] Tosfos 108b DH Amai àîàé:
The words "v'Tzarich Shishim Keneged Kulah demid'Oraisa Lo Tzarich Shishim" åöøéê ùùéí ëðâã ëåìä ãîãàåøééúà ìà öøéê ñ'
should be "v'Tzarich Shishim Keneged Kulah Af demid'Oraisa Lo Tzarich Shishim" åöøéê ùùéí ëðâã ëåìä àó ãîãàåøééúà ìà öøéê ñ'
[4] Tosfos ibid. DH v'Divrei Chachamim åãáøé çëîéí:
This Tosfos belongs on Daf 109a
1)[line 2]àéæåøå îåëéç òìéåEIZORO MOCHI'ACH ALAV- (a) his sash [that he washes together with his garment] proves to everyone that he has only one garment (for if he owned another garment, he would tie it with his sash) (RASHI); (b) his sash [that he wears temporarily over his Miktoren (a loose outer garment without sleeves that covers most of the body)] proves to everyone that he has only one garment (RASHI to Moed Katan 14a)
(a)When a forbidden object is mixed with a permitted object, the mixture may be prohibited to be eaten mid'Oraisa, prohibited to be eaten mid'Rabanan, or permitted to be eaten, as follows:
1.If most of the mixture is Isur, it is prohibited mid'Oraisa.
2.If most of the mixture is Heter, but the Isur is more than one sixtieth of the Heter, i.e. the Isur is "Nosen Ta'am" (lends taste) to the Heter, it is prohibited mid'Rabanan (since "Ta'am k'Ikar," the "taste" is like the essence is a Din d'Rabanan — there are those who prohibit this mixture mid'Oraisa, when the two mixed substances are unidentical ("Min beshe'Eino Mino"), asserting that "Ta'am k'Ikar" is mid'Oraisa).
3.If the amount of Isur is less than one sixtieth of the Heter, and is not Nosen Ta'am to the Heter, the mixture is permitted.
(b)The above applies when unidentical substances are mixed (e.g. they were cooked together and the Isur is Nosen Ta'am to the Heter). However, when a liquid mixes with an identical liquid ("Min b'Mino"), the Tana'im argue as to the status of the mixture. According to Rabanan, since identical substances are not Nosen Ta'am to each other at all, the Isur can be nullified by a majority of Heter (and sixty parts of Heter are not required). According to Rebbi Yehudah, the opposite is true. Even a miniscule amount of Isur prohibits the mixture, since mid'Oraisa the Isur is not nullified at all. (When two identical dry substances become mixed together, all agree that the majority in the mixture determines the mixture's Halachic status — TOSFOS to Yevamos 82a, DH Rebbi Yehudah. See, however, RASHI cited by Tosfos 81b DH Rebbi Yehudah.)
3)[line 5]ðéòø àú ä÷ãøäNI'ER ES HA'KEDEIRAH- if he stirred the pot (mixing the milk in with the meat and gravy)
4)[line 7]èòîå åìà îîùåTA'AMO V'LO MAMASHO- its taste and not [necessarily] its substance
5a)[line 9]îàé èòîà ìà âîøéðï?MAI TA'AMA LO GAMRINAN?- Why do we not learn from it?
b)[line 9]ãçãåù äåàD'CHIDUSH HU- Since the Halachah of Basar b'Chalav (mixing meat and milk) is a Halachic nuance (because both milk and meat are permitted, yet when cooked together they become forbidden — see also Insights to Chulin 108:2), [and, as a result, comparisons cannot be drawn from it to other laws]
6)[line 13]çúéëä òöîä ðòùéú ðáìäCHATICHAH ATZMAH NA'ASIS NEVELAH- If a piece of meat in a pot absorbs the flavor of a Neveilah, the piece of meat is dealt with as if it, itself, is a piece of Neveilah. If both that meat and the Neveilah were afterwards cooked together with other pieces of meat, in order for the mixture to be permitted to be eaten, the permitted food items must be sixty times as great as both the Neveilah and the other piece of meat. (Rav rules like Rebbi Yehudah who says that "Min b'Mino Lo Batel," and even the smallest amount of forbidden meat makes all of the permitted pieces become prohibited since they are all the same "Min.")
7)[line 14]îéðäMINAH- a like substance (see above, entry #2)
8)[line 17]îéï áîéðå ìà áèéìMIN B'MINO LO BATIL
See above, entry #2.
9a)[line 23]àôùø ìñåçèå îåúøEFSHAR L'SOCHTO MUTAR- an Isur that became absorbed in a piece that was later cooked with permitted pieces can be "squeezed out" from where it was absorbed and even the first piece will become permitted
b)[line 25]àôùø ìñåçèå àñåøEFSHAR L'SOCHTO ASUR- an Isur that became absorbed in a piece that was later cooked with permitted pieces can be "squeezed out" from where it was absorbed and make the permitted pieces become prohibited
10)[line 9]çöé ùéòåøCHATZI SHI'UR- half of the prohibited amount (since each Isur is only half of a Zayis)
11)[line 11]éåøä øåúçúYOREH ROSACHAS- a boiling cauldron
12)[line 11]îáìò áìòMIVLA BALA- it absorbs
13)[line 11]îôìè ìà ôìèMIFLAT LO PALAT- but it does not expel
14)[line 12]ëé ðééç, äãø ôìéèKI NAYICH, HADAR PALIT- when it stops (absorbing — TOSFOS), it expels
15)[line 20]àçøéí àåëìéï àåúå îçîú áùåìåACHERIM OCHELIN OSO MACHMAS BISHULO- others (namely, Nochrim) eat it due to that which it is fully cooked
16)[line 27]÷éôäKIPAH- the sediment of meat and spices found at the bottom of a pot
17a)[line 29]ðéòøNI'ER- he stirred it, causing the milk to be absorbed into all the contents of the pot rather than in the one piece upon which it fell
b)[line 29]ëñäCHISAH- he covered it, causing the vapor in the pot to circulate throughout the entire pot and spread the flavor of milk to all its contents