[92a - 55 lines; 92b - 40 lines]

1)[line 1]àåôðéíOFANIM- angels shaped like wheels. Ofanim are full of eyes, and they move together with the Chayos, rolling in whichever direction the Chayos turn without turning around. Additionally, when the Chayos flap their wings and rise into the air, the Ofanim rise with them. The RAMBAM explains that there are ten levels of angels. The most exalted of the angels are the Chayos, and directly below them are the Ofanim. "Mal'achim" refer to angels on the sixth level (see Hilchos Yesodei ha'Torah 2:7).

2)[line 4]ùøSAR- an officer; here Yakov became the officer; i.e. in charge of the angels

3)[line 10]øàù âåìä ùáááìROSH GOLAH SHEB'VAVEL- the Exilarch, the leader of the Jews in Babylon

4)[line 10]åðùéà ùáàøõ éùøàìNASI SHEB'ERETZ YISRAEL- the Prince, the leader of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael, who was of Davidic descent

5)[line 13]â' ùøé âàéíSHELOSHAH SAREI GE'IM- the three princes (influential patrons) of excellence of Yisrael that can be found in each generation (in Eretz Yisrael under the Roman government, and in Bavel under the Parthian government)

6)[line 18]ùìùä ùøé âåéíSHELOSHAH SAREI GOYIM- the three ministering angels of the nations

7)[line 27]òãééï öøéëéï àðå ìîåãòéADAYIN TZERICHIN ANU L'HAMODA'I- we are still in need of the teaching of Rebbi Elazar ha'Moda'i

8)[line 38]ëåñ äúøòìäKOS HA'TAR'ELAH- [the time has arrived for the Egyptians to drink] the cup of wrath

9)[line 38]ùìùä ëåñåú äàîåøåú áîöøéíSHELOSHAH KOSOS HA'AMUROS B'MITZRAYIM- the three times that the word "cup" is mentioned in the context of Egypt (the dream of the Sar ha'Mashkim, Pharaoh's wine steward) (Bereishis 40:11)

10)[line 39]ôøòä ðëäPAR'OH NECHOH- (lit. Pharaoh the Lame) Pharaoh Necho was the king of Egypt at the time of Yoshiyahu ha'Melech (who reigned circa 3285-3316), who wanted to pass through Eretz Yisrael on his way to war against Ashur (Melachim II 23:29-35, Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:20-36:4). His archers killed Yoshiyahu, who did not want to let his army pass through the land. He is called "the Lame" because he tried to sit on the miraculous throne of Shlomo ha'Melech and was hit by one of the mechanical golden lions, which crippled him (Vayikra Raba 20:1, Targum Sheni, beginning of Megilas Esther).

11)[line 42]áòìé áúéíBA'ALEI BATIM- the working men (who do kindness, provide the poor, and support society with their monetary contributions)

12)[line 43]÷ðå÷ðåúKENOKNOS- (O.F. vedilles) tendrils

13)[line 43]øé÷ðéíREIKANIM- those that are bare of knowledge; ignorant

14)[line 44]àéúëìéàISKELAYA- cluster of grapes

15)[line 44]òìéàALAYA- leaves

16)[line 51]åøåáééäå îùúëçéV'RUBAIHU MISHTAKCHEI- and the majority of the righteous in Eretz Yisrael are to be found...

17)[line 52]ááé ëðéùúà ãúåúé àôúàB'VEI KENISHTA D'SUSEI APTA- they are in the synagogue that is under the projecting balcony


18)[line 2]áî÷åìéïB'MAKULIN- in the meat-markets

19)[line 4]àéú ìéä åìà òâéìIS LEI V'LO AGIL- it has a spoon over its thighbone but the spoon is not round

20)[line 15]îçèè àçøéå áëì î÷åí ùäåàMECHATET ACHARAV B'CHOL MAKOM SHE'HU- one must dig after it wherever it is embedded in the flesh

21)[line 16]åçåúê ùîðå îòé÷øåV'CHOSECH SHAMNO ME'IKARO- and he cuts out its fat from its root

22)[line 17]âåîîå òí äùåôéGOMEMO IM HA'SHOFI- he levels it off with the surface of the rounded flesh and may eat what is beneath the surface

23)[line 37]ìåáï ëåìéàLOVEN KULYA- the white of the kidney; i.e. its fat

24)[line 38]îîøèè ìéäMEMARTET LEI- he pulls the fatty fibers out from their roots

25)[line 39]âàéí ìéäGA'IM LEI- he pulls the fatty fibers off the surface