[58a - 40 lines; 58b - 47 lines]

1)[line 1]ùéçìà ÷îàSHICHLA KAMAH- (O.F. poste) the first batch of eggs (inside the bird at the time it became a Tereifah)

2)[line 2]æä åæä âåøíZEH V'ZEH GOREM

If two objects - one forbidden ("Isur") and one permitted ("Heter") - combine to produce a third object, the Tana'im argue as to whether the third object is forbidden or permitted. In our case, these new eggs, which formed after the hen became a Tereifah, were never rendered Tereifah themselves. Rather, they were formed jointly by the hen (which is forbidden as a Tereifah) and by the rooster (which is permitted).

3)[line 4]áãñôðà îàøòàBED'SAFNA ME'AR'A- when it produced eggs as a result of being heated by the ground

4)[line 14]ëç ãäéúøà òãéóìéäK O'ACH D'HEITERA ADIF LEI - he prefers the lenient ruling [because it has the potential to teach more]

If a person rules stringently, we cannot know his true opinion on the matter. He may either have decided that the stringent ruling is correct, or else he may be in doubt, since a person who is in doubt must take a stringent stance in any case. We therefore stand to learn more from the Torah sage who rules leniently, since we learn from him his true view in the matter at hand. He must be convinced that his lenient ruling is the true Halachah or else he would not have passed a lenient ruling.

5)[line 21]äãøä åèòðäHADRAH V'TA'ANAH- if she again produces eggs, [this proves that she is not a Tereifah, and the first batch of eggs are permitted]

6)[line 29]òåáø éøê àîåäåàU BAR YERECH IMO HU

There is a Machlokes whether "Ubar Yerech Imo" - "a fetus is no more than a thigh of its mother" (i.e. it is only to be considered as a part of its mother), or whether the mother and its fetus are considered to be two different entities.

7)[line 40]÷éùåúKISHUS- a cucumber

8)[line 40]ùäúìéòSHE'HISLI'A- that became wormy

9)[line 40]áàéáéäB'IBEHA- (lit. in its stalk form) while it is attached to the vine


10)[line 1]úîøé ãëãàTAMREI D'CHADA- these dates in a container

11)[line 2]á÷àBAKA- (O.F. cincele) a mosquito

12)[line 3]ãéãáàDIDVA- a fly

13)[line 4]ùá ùðéSHEV SHENI- [for] seven years

14)[line 4]àéîøàIMRA- (O.F. ensalvagir) quarreled

15)[line 4]á÷úàBAKSA- a female mosquito

16)[line 5]çæéúéä ìáø îçåæà ãñçà áîéàCHAZISEI L'VAR MECHUZA D'SACHA B'MAYA- I saw a resident of Mechuza who bathed in water

17)[line 6]åñìé÷ åàéëøê áñãéðéïV'SALIK V'ICHRICH B'SADININ- and he arose and wrapped himself in sheets

18)[line 6]åàåúéáú òìéä åîöú îéðéäV'OSIVAS ALEI U'MATZAS MINEI- and you sat on him and sucked blood from him

19)[line 8]ùéúéï îðé ôøæìà úìå ìéä ìá÷à á÷åøðñéäSHISIN MANEI PARZELA TALU LEI L'VAKA B'KURNASEI- one can hang 60 Maneh (huge measures) of iron on a mosquito's stinger

20)[line 12]äøé æä îåíHAREI ZEH MUM (MUMIN: MUMEI BEHEMAH)

(a)There are three types of blemishes (Bechoros 43a): 1. blemishes that invalidate a Kohen from doing the Avodah or invalidate an animal from being offered as a sacrifice on the Mizbe'ach; 2. blemishes that only invalidate a Kohen but not an animal; 3. blemishes that invalidate a Kohen and also an animal but only because of Mar'is ha'Ayin (for appearance sake).

(b)The following is a list of blemishes that invalidate an animal from being offered as a sacrifice (Vayikra 22:22-24, based partially on Rav Aryeh Kaplan's "The Living Torah"). Although there is a dispute as to the precise meaning of the names of the Mumim, all of the blemishes are known through tradition (RAMBAM, Perush ha'Mishnah to Bechoros 7:2).

1.AVERES - blind (even in one eye)

2.SHAVUR - broken-limbed

3.CHARUTZ - gashed; this includes a perforated or split eyelid, nose or lip, or a gash anyplace where there is a bone

4.YABELES - warts

5.GARAV - mange, the animal equivalent of eczema

6.YALEFES - ringworm

7.SARU'A - an extra limb or an overgrown limb

8.KALUT - a missing limb or un-split hooves

9.MA'UCH - testicles crushed by hand

10.KATUS - testicles crushed by an implement

11.NATUK - testicles that are pulled loose

12.KARUS - severed testicles

21)[line 15]ääéà çéåúàHA'HI CHEIVSA- that animal

22)[line 16]ñðéà ãéáéSANYA DIVEI- (O.F. bodel sacelier) caecum or blind gut, the first part of the large intestine

23)[line 18]âåáúàGUVTA- a tube

24)[line 18]îáé ëñéMI'BEI KASEI- from the Beis ha'Kosos (recticulum), the third stomach (in which concave grooves having the appearance of cups cover the inner lining)

25)[line 18]ìäåáìéìàL'HUVLILA- to the Hemses (omasum), the third stomach

26)[line 20]ëì äðé çéåé áøééúàKOH HANEI CHIVEI BARYASA- all of the animals that (a) graze outside of settlements (RASHI to Chulin 43b); (b) are healthy (RASHI to Chulin 47a)

27)[line 23]ëåìäå áçãà îçéúà îçúéðäå?KULHU B'CHADA MECHISA MACHTINHU?- - lit. "Are they all woven in one tapestry?" or "Are they all stitched together with one stitch?"; i.e. do they all have the same Halachah?

28)[line 26]øá èáçéà ãöéôåøéRAV TABCHAYA D'TZIPORI- the head of the butchers in Tzipori, a city in the lower Galilee, approximately midway between Tiberias and Haifa. It was the center of Jewish activity after the destruction of the second Beis ha'Mikdash, and it was the seat of the Sanhedrin when the Sanhedrin moved from Beis She'arim, before it moved to Tiberias (where it eventually was disbanded). It became the center of Jewish activity when Rebbi's health needs required that he move there, where the air was fresh (see Kesuvos 103b, Rosh Hashanah 31b).

29)[line 29]äåà ãäãøé åòøáéHU D'HADREI V'ARVEI- that the two intestines unite return and unite [into a single tube]

30)[line 37]àçåæú äãíACHUZAS HA'DAM- [an animal that turned red because of] a sudden surge of its blood

31)[line 38]åäîòåùðúVEHA'ME'USHENES- an animal that has inhaled smoke

32)[line 38]åäîöåððúVEHA'METZONENES- an animal that has the chills

33)[line 38]äøãåôðéHARDUFNI- an herb known to be toxic to animals

34)[line 39]îéí äøòéíMAYIM HA'RA'IM - Mayim Megulim (RASHI), water that was left uncovered

The sages prohibited the consumption of uncovered water that was left unattended. There is a possibility that a poisonous snake drank from the water, injecting poison into it. (See RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach u'Shemiras ha'Nefesh 11:5-16)

35)[line 41]çìúéúCHILTIS- (O.F. lazre) assa foetida, an umbelliferous plant used as a resin or, in leaves, for a spice and for medicinal purposes

36)[line 41]ãîéð÷áä ìäå ìîòééðäD'MINAKVAH LEHU L'MA'AYANAH- that it pierces holes in its entrails

37)[line 43]úéòäTI'AH- (O.F. tore) aconite, a plant with a poisonous root

38)[line 46]÷øèéïKERATIN- small pieces