CHULIN 57 (17 Shevat) - Dedicated by Mrs. Idelle Rudman in memory of her husband, Harav Moshe Reuven Rudman ben Harav Yosef Tuvia Rudman, on his Yahrzeit.

[57a - 42 lines; 57b - 55 lines]

1)[line 1]áàçåæú òéðéíB'ACHUZAS EINAYIM- with optical deception (he did not actually kill the man's son; he caused the man to react so that he would retract his intestines)

2)[line 1]àéðâéã åàéúðçINGAD V'ISNACH- he became faint and sighed

3)[line 1]òåì ìîòééðéäOL L'MA'AYANEI- he retracted his intestines

4)[line 2]åçééèéä ìëøñéäV'CHAITEI L'KEREISEI- and he (the Nochri) stitched up his abdomen

5)[line 3]öðàTZANA- a basket

6)[line 3]àéð÷åøéINKUREI- (a) birds with bites or wounds on their legs (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) black birds with white spots (O.F. pointure - spots) on their heads (RASHI, 2nd explanation, citing the Ge'onim)

7)[line 4]áöåîú äâéãéïB'TZOMES HA'GIDIN- the "meeting point of the sinews (or tendons)," tendons that attach the muscles of the middle of the leg to the bones of the lower leg; the exact location is discussed in the Gemara Daf 76a (see Background to Chulin 42:32 for a short description of the hind legs of Kosher animals); an alternate translation of the word "Tzomes" (brought by RASHI DH Tzomes) is "the place where the sinews connect, tighten and contract" (O.F.estreint)

8a)[line 5]ùîåèú éãSHEMUTAS YAD- a dislocated shoulder

b)[line 6]ùîåèú éøêSHEMUTAS YERECH- a dislocated thigh

c)[line 7]ùîåèú âóSHEMUTAS GAF- a dislocated wing

9)[line 16]àéï ìå ìà ìéðôì åìà ìéçîøEIN LO LO LI'NAFEL V'LO LICHAMER- that is, the lung is not one of the organs that need to be checked for Tereifos when the animals falls off a roof or when it falls into a fire

10)[line 21]áøáéBERIBI- one of the greatest sages of his generation ("Beribi" is a descriptive title such as "the Great," used to refer to a sage)

11)[line 26]ðäøà ðäøà åôùèéäNAHARA NAHARA U'PASHTEI- each river has its tributaries (i.e. each place has its own customs, and therefore Rav did not rule that a Shemutas Yerech was Kesheirah in Pumbedisa)

12)[line 39]ëé ñìé÷ ø' àáàKI SALIK REBBI ABA- when Rebbi Aba "went up" to Eretz Yisrael; he and Rebbi Zeira were Amora'im who moved from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael


13)[line 19]çáøååúàCHAVRAVASA- the scholars of the Beis ha'Midrash

14)[line 19]ìà ôøëéñLO PARKIS- he would not have made a move (i.e. he would not have even hinted that he disagreed with the Halachah being quoted)

15)[line 22]åîìçä øáé çðéðàU'MALCHAH REBBI CHANINA- Rebbi Chanina salted it, to preserve it

16)[line 26]÷ãéøú ÷ðäKEDIRAS KANEH- a hole in the trachea

17)[line 28]ëàéñø äàéèì÷éK'ISAR HA'ITALKI- like the Roman coin known as an "'As," which is the equivalent of 1/24 of a Dinar (see Background to Bava Basra 165:24, "Currency")

18)[line 29]÷øåîéï ùì ÷ðäKERUMIN SHEL KANAH- the skin-like, scaly envelope of reed

19)[line 32]ùôåôøú ùì ÷ðäSHEFOFERES SHEL KANAH- a tube of a reed

20)[line 34]ùòñ÷ï áãáøéíASKAN B'DEVARIM- a person who performs experiments to gather empirical evidence (see also MIDRASH RABAH Vayikra 22:4)

21a)[line 34]åäéä òåùä ãáø ìäåöéà îìáå ùì øáé éäåãäV'HAYAH OSEH DAVAR LEHOTZI MI'LIBO SHEL REBBI YEHUDAH- and he performed an action to try to get Rebbi Yehudah to change (lit. to extract from Rebbi Yehudah's heart) his ruling with regard to Nitlah ha'Notzah, Pesulah (see next entry)

b)[line 35]ðéèìä äðåöä ôñåìäNITLAH HA'NOTZAH PESULAH- a chicken that loses its downy feathers is a Tereifah (Mishnah Chulin 56b)

22)[line 37]áîèìéú ùì èøñééíB'MATLIS SHEL TARSIYIM- with a leather apron of coppersmiths, that constantly retains heat (RASHI, ARUCH; see TOSFOS DH Matlis)

23)[line 39]îàé òñ÷ï áãáøéí?MAI ASKAN B'DEVARIM?- Why [was he originally called] an Askan b'Devarim (see above, entry #20)?

24)[line 39]"ìê àì ðîìä, òöì; øàä ãøëéä åçëí. àùø àéï ìä ÷öéï, ùåèø, åîåùì. úëéï á÷éõ ìçîä ...""LECH EL NEMALAH, ATZEL; RE'EH DERACHEHA VA'CHACHOM. ASHER EIN LAH KATZIN, SHOTER, U'MOSHEL. TACHIN BA'KAYITZ LACHMAH; [AGRAH VA'KATZIR MA'ACHALAH.]"- "Go to an ant, o lazy one; see its ways and grow wise. For it has no official, taskmaster or ruler. It prepares its provisions in the summer; [gathers its food in the harvest time.]" (Mishlei 6:6-8)

25)[line 42]ãùåîùîðéD'SHUMSHEMANEI- of ants

26)[line 42]àúðç áéä ñéîðàASNACH BEI SIMANA- he laid upon it a sign (such as a sprinkling of flour) [to be able to recognize it later]

27)[line 43]òì, àîø ìäå, "ðôì èåìà"AL, AMAR LEHU, "NAFAL TULA"- it went in (back into the ant's nest) and said to them, "It is shady outside" (lit. "The shade has descended")

28)[line 43]ðô÷å åàúåNAFKU V'ASU- they (all of the other ants) came out

29)[line 43]ãìééä ìâìéîéäDALYEI L'GELIMEI- he (Rebbi Shimon ben Chalafta) took his cloak away

30)[line 43]ðôì ùîùàNAFAL SHIMSHA- [as a result,] the sun fell (shone) upon them

31)[line 43]ðôìå òìéä å÷èìéäNAFLU ALEI V'KATLEI- they fell upon him (the first scout) and killed him

32)[line 44]äøîðà ãîìëà ìà ìéáòå?HARMANA D'MALKA LO LI'BA'U?- Would they not have had to ask for permission from the king [to kill that ant]?

33)[line 46]"áéîéí ääí àéï îìê áéùøàì, àéù äéùø áòéðéå éòùä.""BA'YAMIM HA'HEM EIN MELECH B'YISRAEL, ISH HA'YASHAR B'EINAV YA'ASEH." - "In those days there was no king in Yisrael, each man did whatever was right in his eyes." (Shoftim 17:6) (The House of Michah)

(a)In the preceding verses, the Navi tells the strange story of a man in Beis Efrayim by the name of Michaihu (later referred to as Michah), who informed his mother that he was the one who stole the 1,100 silver pieces for which she had been searching. She replied that she had already sanctified the money to HaSh-m, to make with it a carved and a molten image.

(b)When he handed over the money to her, she took it to a silversmith who melted it down and manufactured a carved and molten image, which she deposited in the house of her son.

(c)Michah had a house that he used for idol-worship in which he had placed an Efod (similar to the one worn by the Kohen Gadol) and Terafim (an image similar to the one that Rachel Imeinu stole from her father Lavan, to save him from the sin of idolatry). He appointed one of his sons to serve as priest.

(d)The Navi then informs us that Michah was able to get away with his sinfulness because of the lack of leadership in the nation at the time. Had there been a king or even a Shofet, the leader would have stopped him from indulging in such debauchery.

34)[line 47]ñîåê àäéîðåúà ãùìîäSEMOCH A'HEIMNUSA D'SHLOMO- rely on King Shlomo's trustworthiness (and there is, in fact, no evidence from Rebbi Shimon's experiment)

35)[line 49]îúðååðä åäåìëúMISNAVNAH V'HOLECHES- [if] it deteriorates with time

36)[line 53]çéãå÷ ùì ÷øåéäCHIDUK SHEL KERUYAH- a slice of a the shell of a gourd

37)[last line]áéòé ãèøôäBE'EI D'TEREIFAH- the eggs of a chicken that was a Tereifah