
THE EXEMPTION OF A TUMTUM (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 2a)



(Mishnah): A Tumtum [is exempt].

[דף ב עמוד ב] הכל מודים בטומטום שנקרע ונמצא זכר בי''ט הראשון שהוא חייב מה פליגין בשאר הימים


All agree that if a Tumtum (i.e. the skin covering his genitals) was torn, and he was found to be a male on Yom Tov Rishon, he is obligated. What do [Amora'im] argue about? [They argue about] other days;

חזקיה אמר יראה יראה את שהוא חייב בא' חייב בשני את שאינו חייב בראשון אינו חייב בשני


Chizkiyah says, [we learn from] "Yir'ah-Yera'eh'' - whoever is obligated [in Re'iyas Panim, which we learn from "Yera'eh Kol Zechurcha''] on the first day, is obligated [in bringing a Korban, which we learn from "v'Lo Yir'u Panai Reikam''] on the second [and later] days. Whoever is not obligated on the first, is not obligated on the second;

(א''ר) [צ''ל וכן אר''י - רידב''ז] כל ז' תשלומין לראשון


Support (R. Yochanan): All seven days are Tashlumin (compensation) for the first;

א''ר אילא מפסח השני למד ר''י כמה דר''י אמר תמן פסח שני תשלומין לראשון כן הוא אמר הכא כל ז' תשלומין לראשון


(R. Ila): R. Yochanan learns from Pesach Sheni. Just like R. Yochanan says there that Pesach Sheni is Tashlumin for the Rishon, so he says here that all seven days are Tashlumin for the first.

רבי הושעיה אמר כל ז' חובה


(R. Hoshayah): All seven days are an obligation [by themselves].

מה נפק מן ביניהן


Question: What practical difference is between them?

גר שנתגייר בשאר הימים על דעתיה דחזקיה (פטור ע''ד דר''י ודר') [צ''ל ור''י פטור ע''ד דר' - קרבן העדה] הושעיה חייב


Answer #1: They differ about one who converted on other days (i.e. after the first). According to Chizkiyah and R. Yochanan, he is exempt. According to R. Hoshayah, he is obligated.

[צ''ל טומטום שנקרע ונמצא זכר בשאר הימים על דעתיה דחזקיה ור''י פטור ע''ד דר' הושעיה חייב - ע''פ שערי תורת ארץ ישראל, לפי הגהת קרבן העדה לעיל]


Answer #2: They differ about a Tumtum who was torn, and found to be a male on other days. According to Chizkiyah and R. Yochanan, he is exempt. According to R. Hoshayah, he is obligated. (We explained this partially based on SHA'AREI TORAS ERETZ YISRAEL.)

[דף ג עמוד א] אף בטמא כן (ניטמא) [צ''ל נטהר - מיכל המים] בשאר הימים ע''ד דחזקיה פטור ע''ד דר''י ודר' הושעיה חייב


Answer #3: Likewise [they differ about] a Tamei [on the first day], if he became Tahor on other days. According to Chizkiyah, he is exempt. According to R. Yochanan and R. Hoshayah, he is obligated.


Note: KORBAN HA'EDAH did not change the text here. It seems that since R. Yochanan learns from Pesach Sheni, he obligates one who became Tahor afterwards. We have no source to say that Chizkiyah learns from Pesach Sheni, so presumably, he exempts.

א''ר יוסה תמן ראוי הוא קריעה היא שגרמה ברם הכא הטמא עצמו אינו ראוי:


Objection (R. Yosah): There, [a Tumtum] is proper to tear [himself and obligate himself. It is as if he was obligated on the first day.] This causes [his obligation. Therefore, R. Hoshayah holds that he has Tashlumin.] However, here a Tamei himself is not proper [to enter, so R. Hoshayah agrees that he is exempt even after he becomes Tahor.]