[5a - 54 lines; 5b - 51 lines]
1)[line 1]ומחריא תנוראU'MECHARYA TANURA- and was sweeping the oven
2)[line 1]אגבה דכרעהA'GABAH D'CHAR'AH- on top of her foot
3)[line 2]קדחאKADCHAH- her foot was burned
4)[line 2]ואיתרע מזלהISRA MAZALAH- her fate was inauspicious (lit. her luck was shaky)
5)[line 6]דרעינא להו אנאD'RA'INA LEHU ANA- I shepherd them, I keep them in my company
6)[line 6]עד דמלו להו לדראAD D'MALU LEHU L'DARA- until the years of life that were designated for them have passed
7)[line 7]משלימנא (ליה) [להו] לדומהMASHLIMA (LEI) [LEHU] L'DUMAH- I hand them over to Dumah, the angel that guards the dead
8)[line 8]שניה מאי עבדתSHNEI MAI AVADET- what do you do with the person's years of life that were taken away?
9)[line 9]דמעביר במיליהD'MA'AVIR B'MILEI- (a) one who does not mete out judgment to people who mistreat him (RASHI Rosh Hashanah 17a); (b) one who forgoes his honor when he is slighted (Yoma 23a)
10)[line 9]והויא חלופיהV'HAVYA CHILUFEI- and those years take their place
11)[line 11]"ויאמר ה' אל השטן... ותסיתני בו לבלעו חנם""VA'YOMER HASH-M EL HA'SATAN... VA'TESISENU VO L'VAL'O CHINAM" - "And HaSh-m said to the Satan, 'Have you taken note of My servant Iyov, for there is nobody in the land like him, a wholesome and upright man, who fears G-d and shuns evil, and (despite of what he has already suffered) he still maintains his wholesomeness. Yet you incite Me against him for no reason." (Iyov 2:3) (IYOV RETAINS HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS )
(a)The Satan retorts that all of Iyov's current suffering is external. If one were to strike his body, he argued, Iyov would certainly react negatively and curse HaSh-m.
(b)HaSh-m grants the Satan permission to do as he sees fit, provided that he does not take Iyov's soul (a daunting challenge, as Chazal explain in Bava Basra 16a, citing the Satan himself). The Satan strikes Iyov with a terrible plague of boils that covers him from head to foot. Iyov, despite his wife's protestations, refuses to implicate HaSh-m with his lips (but in his heart - that is a different matter).
12)[line 11]עבד שרבו מסיתין לו וניסתEVED SHE'RABO MESISIN LO V'NISAS- (lit. a slave whose Master is persuaded to perform detrimental acts upon him) a person to whom bad things happen as a test, and not as a result of a particular sin that he transgressed (based upon METZUDAS DAVID to Iyov 2:3)
13)[line 13]"הן בקדשיו לא יאמין""HEN BI'KEDOSHAV LO YA'AMIN" - "If He does not have faith in His holy beings, [and the celestial beings are not pure in His eyes; how much more so the loathsome and tainted one, man, who drinks iniquity like water.]" (Iyov 15:15-16) (IYOV WAVERS)
(a)This verse is part of the response of Iyov's friend, Elifaz, to his claim that man is not governed by HaSh-m according to his righteousness or otherwise, but according to his predestined Mazal (Metzudas David). Elifaz's immediate response is that such an erroneous attitude will have result in negating Tefilah, which is meaningful only if one knows that one is governed by HaSh-m (but not if one believes that everything is predestined).
14)[line 16]דמטוD'MATU- that had ripened
15)[line 18]הני נטרןHANEI NATRAN- these do not spoil
16)[line 21]אדזוטרAD'ZUTAR- when he was young
17)[line 23]מבעט ברבותיו הוהMEVA'ET B'RABOSAV HAVAH- consistently rebelled against his teachers
18)[line 40]הרק בפני חבירוHA'RAK BI'FNEI CHAVEIRO- one who spits in front of his friend
19)[line 45]וכספתיהKASAFTEI- you embarrassed him
20)[line 46]דקא מייתי לה לידי חשדאD'KA MAISI LAH L'YDEI CHASHADA- because he arouses suspicion about her
21)[line 47]המשגרMESHAGER- sends
22)[line 48]בשר שאינו מחותךBASAR SHE'EINO MECHUTACH- (lit. meat that is not cut up) meat that has not had the forbidden fats and forbidden sinews (of the Gid ha'Nasheh) removed
23a)[line 51]שנעשות צרות זו לזוSHE'NA'ASOS TZAROS ZEH LA'ZEH- afflictions that [conflict with each other since they need opposite treatments and] are like two wives of the same man
b)[line 51]זיבוראZIBURA- a bee [sting]
c)[line 52]ועקרבאAKRAVA- a scorpion [sting]; the remedy for a bee sting is cold water and the remedy for a scorpion sting is hot water
24)[line 53]זוזא לעללאZUZA L'ALALA- a Zuz to buy produce, grain (a low price)
25)[line 53]לתליתא שכיחL'TALISA SHECHI'ACH- however, it is available to be wasted
26)[last line]כל שאינו בהסתר פנים אינו מהםKOL SHE'EINO ME'HESTER PANIM EINO MEHEM- whoever is not under the decree of Hester Panim is not a Jew. Hester Panim includes crying out to HaSh-m that troubles should not happen or should cease and not being answered with deliverance.
27)[line 3]כמה משדרנא בצנעאKAMA MESHADRANA B'TZIN'A- how much (money, gifts) I send secretly
28)[line 6]וגרבוהוGARVUHU- they plundered him
29)[line 11]ידו נטויה עלינוYADO NETUYAH ALEINU- His hand is stretched over us to protect us
30)[line 13]אחוי ליהACHAVI LEI- he showed him
31)[line 13]אפיקורוסאAPIKURUSA- a Jew who does not believe in the Oral Law, such as the Tzedukim
32)[line 17]מאי מחוו ליה במחוגMAI MEHCAVU LEI B'MACHOG- what others show him with their gestures
33)[line 17]יחוי קמי מלכאYECHAVEI KAMEI MALKA- shall practice the art of gesturing before the king?
34)[line 23]הוה גני תותי פורייה דרבHAVAH GANI TUSEI PURYEI D'RAV- was lying underneath Rav's bed
35)[line 23]ושמעיהSHAM'EI- he heard him
36)[line 24]כמאן דלא טעים ליה תבשילאK'MAN D'LO TA'IM LEI TAVSHILA- (euphemistic) as one who has never had relations before
37)[line 24]כהנא פוק!KAHANA, PUK!- Kahana, get out!
38)[line 25]לרצויהL'RATZUYAH- to appease her
39)[line 25]"ואם לא תשמעוה במסתרים תבכה נפשי...""V'IM LO SISHMA'UHA, B'MISTARIM TIVKEH NAFSHI..."- "But if you will not hear it, My soul shall weep in secret for your pride; [and My eye shall weep bitterly, and run down with tears, because HaSh-m's flock is carried away captive.]" (Yirmeyahu 13:17)
40a)[line 29]בבתי גואיBATEI GAVA'EI- the inner chambers
b)[line 29]בבתי בראיBATEI VARA'EI- the outer chambers
41)[line 31]"הן אראלם צעקו חוצה מלאכי שלום מר יבכיון""HEN ER'ELAM TZA'AKU CHUTZAH; MAL'ACHEI SHALOM MAR YIVKAYUN."- "Behold, their brave ones shall cry outside; the Angels of peace shall weep bitterly." (Yeshayah 33:7)
42)[line 31]"ודמע תדמע ותרד עיני דמעה כי נשבה עדר ה'""V'DAMO'A TIDMA V'SERAD EINI DIM'A, KI NISHBAH EDER HASH-M."- "[But if you will not hear it, My soul shall weep in secret for your pride;] and My eye shall weep bitterly, and run down with tears, because HaSh-m's flock is carried away captive." (Yirmeyahu 13:17)
43)[line 37]ספר קינותSEFER KINOS- the Megilah of Eichah
44)[line 37]מאיגרא רם לבירא עמיקתא!MI'IGRA RAM L'VEIRA AMIKTA!- from a high roof to a deep pit!
45)[line 38]הוו שקלי ואזלי באורחאHAVU SHAKLEI V'AZLEI B'ORCHA- were walking on the road
46)[line 40]תקפיה ואזל בהדיהTAKFEI V'AZAL BAHADEI- Rebbi seized him and went with him
47)[line 41]איכו השתא מנעתן מהאי בירכתאIKU HASHTA MENA'ATAN ME'HAI BIRKESA- had I listened to you (and not have come with you), you would have prevented me from receiving this blessing
48)[line 43]כי קשKI KASH- when he became old
49)[line 46]במטותא מינךB'MATUSA MINACH- I beg of you, I ask a favor of you
50)[line 46]לא תעניש להו רבנןLO SA'ANISH LEHU RABANAN- do not punish the Talmidei Chachamim