
THE PRICE OF A KUR OF WHEAT (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 19a)

לקח ממנו חטים.


The Mishnah taught: If he bought from him wheat...(at the price of a kur of wheat for one golden dinar). (But why is that not already considered ribis?)

א''ר בא בר כהנא השער שהוא יפה לעולם פחות מיכן ווי לזבונא יותר מיכן ווי למזבנה.


Answer (R. Ba bar Kahana): (It is permitted by Chazal) since it is the ideal price - less than this (amount of wheat) is bad for the buyer and more than this is bad for the seller.

אמר לו תן לי חיטיי שאני מוכרן במה קנה


Question: If the buyer said, "Give me my wheat as I wish to sell it''. How did he acquire it?

[דף יז עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] רב נחמן בר יעקב סבר מימר חייב להעמיד לחבירו.


Suggestion (Rav Nachman bar Yaakov): The seller became obligated to give the produce to his friend (because he gave him money for it).