
THE RULING OF R. TARFON (Yerushalmi Halachah 8 Daf 8b)

רב יהודה בשם רב הלכה כרבי טרפון בדבר שיש בו סימן.


Rav Yehudah citing Rav: The Halachah follows R. Tarfon about an item with an identifying mark (that he may use it and he is responsible for it).

רבי בא ורב יהודה בשם רב מעשה היה והודה רבי כרבי טרפון בדבר שיש בו סימן.


R. Ba and R. Yehudah citing Rav: Such a case once occurred with an item with an identifying mark and Rebbi ruled like R. Tarfon.

רב יהודה אמר תלמידי חכמים אין צריך ליתן סימן.


Rav Yehudah: Torah scholars do not need to give an identifying mark into to retrieve it (as they are believed when they say that they recognise it).

אמר רב הונא [דף ט עמוד א] הכל מודין שאם היה צרור מעות לא יגע בהן.


Rav Huna: (R. Tarfon and R. Akiva disagree only over the money received for selling the item,) but all agree that if he found a package of money (with a mark such as a special knot in the bag) he may not touch it.

יהודה ברבי עאל לכנישתא שבק סנדלוי ואזלין. אמר אילו לא אזלית לכנישתא לא אזלון סנדליי.


Yehudah son of Rebbi once went to the synagogue and inadvertently left behind his sandals, which were later stolen. He said, "If I would not have gone to the synagogue, I would not have lost my shoes''. (He felt that there are some thieves who go there to pray in order to look righteous, but their intention is to win the trust of the people in order to steal.)

רבי יוסי היה יתיב מתני ועל מיתא מן דקם לא אמר ליה כלום ומן דיתיב ליה לא א''ל כלום:


R. Yosi was sitting and learning (in the synagogue) and the Tumah of a corpse (e.g. a bone or piece of flesh) was brought into the synagogue. R. Yosi did not say anything to anyone who left because of the Tumah, nor to anyone who stayed to learn thereby becoming Tameh. (The reason he did not say anything is because he was unsure whether it was correct for a Kohen to become impure in order to learn Torah.


CARE FOR LOST SCROLLS AND VESSELS (Yerushalmi Halachah 9 Daf 9a)

[דף ז עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] משנה מצא ספרים קורא בהן אחת לשלשים יום ואם אינו יודע לקרות גוללן אבל לא ילמד בהן בתחילה ולא יקרא אחר עמו


(Mishnah): If he found scrolls, he should read from them once in 30 days (to prevent mold). If he does not know how to read them, he should roll them. However, he should not read from them for the first time nor read them together with another person.

מצא כסות מנערה אחת לשלשים יום ושוטחה לצורכה אבל לא לכבודו


If he found a garment, he should shake it out once in 30 days and he should spread it out for its sake but not for his sake.

כלי כסף וכלי נחושת משתמש בהן לצורכן אבל לא לשוחקן


Silver and copper vessels should be used for their sake but not extensively, as it causes them to become worn down.

כלי זהב וכלי זכוכית לא יגע בהן עד שיבוא אליהו


He should not touch gold and glass vessels at all until Eliyahu HaNavi comes.

מצא שק או קופה אם אין דרכו ליטול הרי זה לא יטול:


If he found a sack or a box, if it is not his usual way to carry such items, he does not need to take it.

גמרא תני מצא ספרים קורא בהן אחת לשלשים יום


(Gemara - Beraisa): If he found scrolls, he should read from them once in 30 days.

אם אינו יודע לקרות גוללן


If he does not know how to read, he should roll them.

ולא יקרא פרשה וישנה ולא יקרא פרשה ויתרגם


He should not read a portion and then reread it nor should he read and translate a portion.

ולא יפתח בו יותר משלשה דפין ולא יקרו בו שלשה בכרך אחד


He should not open them up to more than three columns nor should he read three columns at the same time.

במה דברים אמורים בחדשים אבל בישנים שנים עשר חדש.


When should he read from them once in 30 days? If they are new scrolls; but if they are old, once in 12 months is sufficient.