משנה מצא גיטי נשים ושיחרורי עבדים דייתיקי מתנה ושוברין הרי זה לא יחזיר שאני אומר כתובים היו ונמלך עליהם שלא ליתנן:
(Mishnah): If a person found Gitin, freedom documents, wills, gift documents or receipts, he should not return them as perhaps the owner wrote them and then decided not to give them.
גמרא תני מצא גיטין וכתובות הרי זה יחזיר וכתוב' לא היא חזקה.
(Gemara): If he found Gitin or Kesubah documents, he should return them (to the wife). This is because a Kesubah is proof (that the husband divorced her and paid her the Kesubah, since the Kesubah was found torn. He must also return the get to the wife to use as proof that she is divorced).
שטר שלוה בו ופרעו לא יחזיר ויגבה בו מפני מירע כוחן של לקוחות.
A loan document that was paid may not be reused for a new loan, since the lean written into the document has been cancelled (which weakens the position of anyone who buys such land).
ר' יסא בשם ר' יוחנן ואפילו לבו ביום.
R. Yasa citing R. Yochanan: This rule applies even if the new loan was made on the same day as the previous one was repaid.
[דף ד עמוד א (עוז והדר)] רבי זירא בעא קומי ר' יסא הכא את מר אפילו לבו ביום והכא את מר אם זמנו יוצא לבו ביום ויחזיר.
Question (R. Zeira to R. Yasa): Here you said that it applies even if the new loan was made the same day but there you said that one may collect from buyers.
,,אמר ליה אדם מצוי ללות ולפרוע לבו ביום ואין אדם עשוי לפרוע וללות בו ביום.
Answer: A person commonly borrows and pays back the same day but he does not pay back and borrow again that same day.
ר' חגיי בעא קומי רבי יסא הוא הזמן והן העדים והוא המלוה מהו מפני מרע כוחן של לקוחות.
Question (R. Chagai to R. Yasa): Concerning this ruling of R. Yochanan that it is even if the new loan was made on the same day as the previous loan ended - the date is correct, the witnesses saw the new loan and the lender is the same - so how is there a loss for those who bought the land, if the land was truly on lean to the loan?
אמר ליה [דף ה עמוד ב] בשלא נשתעבדו נכסים
Answer (R. Yasa): The lean was cancelled upon the repayment of the first loan, before the second loan took place.
ויש אומרים בשלא חתמו העדים על אותה המלוה:
Answer #2: The witnesses did not sign on the second loan, so it becomes like a loan without a document.